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Everything posted by korosu

  1. i was thinking it would go in the op. on air announcement is likely too.
  2. seems more likely it's re:zero and they're gonna announce it during the reddit ama tomorrow, i guess
  3. Mr. Pickles is also already renewed for season 4
  4. Coincidentally, the 2nd GIG episode Red Data aired at 4 am on January 31st, 2015 and airs at 4:30 March 10th.
  5. They've had The Big O season 1 for around a year now. I imagine it airs sometime this year.
  6. If it's not FLCL season 1, or Yamato 2199, hope it's DARLING in the FRANXX
  7. the implication in the tweets being the new show isn't going to replace any current show. so unless something changes we should expect another rerun to replace outlaw star because this show isn't ready yet.
  8. well so much for this. same lineup listed for the 17th.
  9. We could be getting 10 pm next month unless he means 4 am here. Either way he's pretty clearly saying the next show is supposed to be an expansion show, don't think you can read this any other way. Logically I also take it as this change will happen the week before Outlaw Star ends. If it was just going to replace Lupin there wouldn't be an expansion, but for him to use those words instead of just saying Outlaw Star is ending soon gives me that impression. Unless Outlaw Star is replaced with The Big O or something and this new show is pushed back even further, we're supposed to expect another expansion along with the next new show.
  10. Adult Swim/Toonami Presents: FLCL Join panelists Jason DeMarco (Adult Swim/Toonami), Maki Terashima-Furuta (Production IG), Mitsuhisa Ishikawa (Production IG) & Kari Wahlgren (FLCL, Rick and Morty) for a discussion and special sneak preview of two highly anticipated NEW seasons of FLCL premiering this summer: FLCL Progressive and FLCL Alternative, co produced by Adult Swim/Toonami and Production IG. http://www.c2e2.com/Events/Panels-And-Screenings/Panel-Highlights/
  11. I'm not sure adult swim would be thinking about 2021 plans for Toonami if it wasn't doing satisfactory for them. TV has to adjust to the overall decline of viewership. The bar is probably the lowest it's ever been. No reason not to believe DeMarco when he says ratings matter less than ever. So it was adult swim's idea to move the block earlier. And now DeMarco is implying they're gonna add another slot soon. I'm not sure what the plan is with that, because it's not an expansion for FLCL although FLCL season 2 airs "not too far into 2018." So immediately I assume they'll get 4 am, with 10 pm still being possible. Regardless, we are to be expecting an additional slot in the near future. Despite the ratings. Couple 2021 plans with the fact that ratings decline every year. They must have a general idea of what the ratings will look like in the next 3 years. If they're looking at it that way, then what we're seeing really is "just fine" - maybe better.
  12. Adult Swim co-funded both seasons of SAC so they own the rights forever. Someone on reddit thinks Aqua Teen is airing next month and there's no evidence for that. So if you see that on your guide that's wrong too.
  13. the xml needs to be re-linked to the oldsched page
  14. http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/asXml/1.EST.xml change the number to change the date this is the one that's down http://schedule.adultswim.com/asXml/1.EST.xml
  15. the music video aired at 12:10 and affected the times for the next few episodes. make of this what you will. http://programminginsider.com/saturday-cable-final-nationals-christmas-movies-freeform-hallmark-top-four-prime-time-telecasts-among-adults-18-49/
  16. Yeah I really wonder what they're gonna do mid-block. Probably packaging related, though they do tend to surprise. My only other idea would be to rerun the 2012 april fools' block. If they preempt the 12-4 shows then FLCL 2 would be May. Unless something like GITS Arise - Alternative Architecture replaces Lupin and FLCL 2 airs uninterrupted after that. Of course this all depends on IBO skipping that episode If the schedule isn't fixed by whenever it shows up on the main site I'll let Jason know to get that fixed.
  17. Space Battleship Yamato 2199 replaces Lupin. If this is supposed to indicate the premiere order - personally I can't see any logical reason it could - FLCL 2 replaces IBO but in an earlier slot. I was hoping all 6 episodes would air without a week break during it, but this probably is just the easiest way to do it. Hopefully Black Clover's new slot after this is permanent. With only two episodes of Kai left after this, it finishes in its new slot. The Big O replaces Outlaw Star. Space Dandy replaces Bebop. IGPX or Samurai Jack HD replaces 2nd GIG. All 18 FLCL episodes replace one of these. After another run of these shows, we might see 3 am being used for older series, with one rerun slot after, used for the shows they own and any reruns of new seasons where they've rerun the show before (Attack on Titan, One-Punch Man). Gundam Wing replaces The Big O. If it's ready by then, One-Punch Man season 2 replaces FLCL 2 in the same slot. FLCL 3 replaces OPM S02. The slot is used for short series going forward. Attack on Titan season 3 replaces JoJo. No expansions. It's hard to predict some of the shows that will air when I'm thinking it'll be stuff like the new SAO, Tokyo Ghoul:re, Promare, hopefully DARLING in the FRANXX, all we don't know the episode counts for.
  18. i've noticed a few times in recent weeks them changing some of the fox show episodes, so hopefully this stuff gets fixed. williams stream 204 and 205 were scheduled on the 5th when it should have been 206 and 207 - they changed it after a day. this is still there though.
  19. Looks like they're airing it out of order. Black Dog Serenade on January 6th.
  20. I think they'll air Alicization, I'm just curious if they're also gonna air the alt GGO show too.
  21. The TV-MA episodes of Rick and Morty have aired before 10 pm, so I don't think content is an issue past 9 pm. The Venture Bros. episode Careers in Science which is now TV-MA aired at 8 pm with the original TV-14-DS rating so I guess TV-MA shows can air after 9 pm but not before.
  22. Dragon Ball Super https://www.facebook.com/Toonami/photos/a.1442483259375850.1073741828.1440408039583372/1838465119777660/?type=3
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