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Everything posted by korosu

  1. i expect all of that will be answered by the finale. there's no explanation for masturbation being something they can possibly be aware of though. it's really the only thing i'm worried about ever getting explained and it seems very relevant to the story.
  2. and i believe it's implied in the laughing man one that yamaguchi's phone call to togusa takes place the same night as the events in the beginning of episode 1. i don't remember any other weird things like that though.
  3. if not for the different voice actors i'd also suggest airing the laughing man/individual eleven compilation films but they made a few weird changes in the latter one. like kubota telling aramaki kuze's name and gouda not asking batou if he's gonna stop him after they have that conversation.
  4. not sure when it was dubbed but after september 2006 the only movies on ASA were Fire on the Mystic Island, G.I. Joe: Resolute, Memories of Nobody, and The DiamondDust Rebellion.
  5. Solid State Society never aired on Adult Swim but it really should. Would have been perfect for one of the month of movies.
  6. we knew it was 6 episode seasons when it was first announced jason said that if toonami didn't come back, adult swim wouldn't have finished bleach
  7. http://forums.xfinity.com/t5/Channels-and-Programming/Cartoon-Network/m-p/3089750
  8. i'm not expecting a halloween marathon. if there's a thanksgiving marathon that'll likely be attack on titan. mha could be the labor day one. it's equally likely that flcl 2 and 3 will have marathons of the seasons back to back, i'm just hoping they don't because they are almost (lol) certainly rerunning immediately after they end. it'd be free though. yeah december is sure to be flcl2/3 and dragon ball super.
  9. in terms of marathons, and in terms of toonami on adult swim, this is actually the longest naruto hundo is the longest toonami marathon in general
  10. huh. i thought it'd have to be one final kai marathon, unless that's planned for july...
  11. as far as i know, we don't know. i have a hard time believing he was told "not until april" back in january and went on to slot FLCL Progressive at 11:30 just to move it to midnight once they got MHA. the timing suggests Hulu's exclusivity deal was for two years, and i imagine FUNi would have told them that. that'd be the main legal issue, not sure what the others would be. can't really say either way since logic doesn't mean shit when it comes to many of the network's decisions.
  12. "not really last minute" each FLCL season is 6 episodes so either we get a July 7 marathon and they rerun the season or they rerun the season and air Scavengers 1 and 2 (depending on how long 2 is, but 2 would be airing in this scenario) and FLCL Alternative would air after labor day weekend.
  13. he said it is but didn't clarify which one (super psyched, confusing, in the pocket) most likely will rerun both seasons immediately in the same slot
  14. zap2it is still around but in terms of an official schedule, it's only there in the xml now. haven't been following them too closely but it seems that lately there have been a bunch of last minute schedule changes that zap2it and cable guides don't pick up. i wonder how much of an effect the lack of a schedule page on their website has on people watching the channel, but in their own words, the app is more important.
  15. while the adult swim servlet was taken down around last october (i think), the cartoon network one has still been active but might have just shut down http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/servlet/ScheduleServlet?action=AS as has the boomerang one http://www.adultswim.com/adultswimdynsched/servlet/BoomerangServlet?action=selectBMDay there is still the cartoon network xml page though http://www.cartoonnetwork.com/cnschedule/xmlServices/1.EST.xml nothing on their website for years though
  16. i don't know about the others but cartoon network hasn't had a schedule page on their website in years and i think they've said they care more about the app than linear.
  17. Space Dandy was "waiting in the wings" so it was probably gonna replace Outlaw Star
  18. mimosa said his screaming was hot
  19. please do some research before making posts like this.
  20. only if it's "would" i agree you can't put anything past them. moving black clover to 1 then 1:30 in such short time certainly made me think it possible they'd move MHA to midnight once FLCL: Progressive started, then to 11 once Kai ended since the network has never had a problem with frequent lineup changes. i feel like advertising 11:30 and not specifically announcing the time has changed for season 2 is detrimental. no news sites seem to be aware of the change. all we have saying it is the BTS feature, not even a facebook post or DeMarco tweet. i guess i just expect them to take this seriously.
  21. indeed. moving it down a slot shouldn't make one think the second season's time has changed.
  22. In fact Adult Swim Toonami had surpassed the amount of ASA shows once Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapters premiered.
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