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Everything posted by RainyDayJizz#35

  1. Rendering you ineligible for the suit i would imagine...
  2. Really has nothing to do with you. Mostly that i just woke up and i have other shit to do than be on the internet. Although i forgot reception here is shit. For some reason the bathroom gets roaming reception. Once I'm finished I'll have to walk 10 feet and get back on 3g.
  3. Why do you think you are saying anything anybody here involved in a class action doesn't know.
  4. Thank you, I think I'm gonna need a little backup on my mailing position.
  5. I have no idea what this means.
  6. I don't know, with your job I think blackface is a bad idea for a Halloween costume.
  7. No. Flying and mail are very good for moving a room. You can get a lot of shit in the two stowed bags. I think the weight limit is 100 lbs. or something. Driving cross country is a bad idea if you're not moving giant things.
  8. I worked 11 hours last night and now I have to talk here rather than on the phone. Can a plan be discussed with me instead of texting me like i already read this?
  9. Okay, one bedroom no furniture. Southwest lets you take two large stowed bags and a carry on, and you can get a one way flight for very cheap. Depending on how many boxes you have, US mail. You can pack up all your books and DVDs and send them media mail, it's significantly cheaper. Your other boxes can go standard shipping. It cost me like 300 to ship 5 boxes. And Nabraniel is bejing an idiot. Why is this the first thing i have to do after waking up.
  10. I was surprised when jez told me about it. I didn't interact with Luuv much, but when we did it was usually amicable. He definitely gave more shits about this community than AS. I remember laughing at the failure of the second con and I now realize that was probably his baby. Annoying most of the tv personalities on the first one was pretty damn funny though. Even funnier was Oblong fitting right in, cause of course he would.
  11. Always with the hidden fees...
  12. You old people need to stop poking holes in my dreams.
  13. Are we just gonna be gross everywhere now? I love you.
  14. A shoulder or lap or some other body part to rest my head on.
  15. RainyDayJizz#35


    It looks like the eyeball guard from Big Trouble in Little China.
  16. Can you be pretty too?
  17. That's because i didn't even have to go s-class to do it.
  18. Better than if I was a virgin, right?
  19. You weren't that bothered, haha.
  20. To be honest I've never really had a girlfriend. A couple women might disagree with that but they're wrong.
  21. I think if I didn't have a relationship developing right now i wouldn't give a shit. But being with the right person makes me want others to know what that's like.
  22. I can't figure out why the damn monitor won't work. Shit.
  23. Is this still going? I'll be awake a little.
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