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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. Tweakers suck...
  2. West Coast is best coast.
  3. It's better to ask for forgiveness and get regenerated by an awesome magical blood rose than to ask for permission.
  4. .... is your icon from Sabrina, The Teenage Witch?
  5. Why are you afraid of things going well?
  6. It's been a while since I saw something that made me go "wtf am I watching" The whole interviews on thought provoking topics over nonsensical background adventures in trippy assed psychedelic simulation scapes is just... this show makes me smile.
  7. Excellent.
  8. What are we supposed to do? Fap?
  9. Clutch AF, your boss is awesome
  10. <,<;
  11. We became a weird family over the years. The asmb shutting down wasn't enough to counteract instinct. Welcome back. I don't remember you from the boards at all!
  12. But you're not seeing anything because it's not a riot. If it were real riots, the highway you use would be shut down ^___^
  13. harpy birfdai
  14. Their sandwiches are just meat & cheese. You can make better ones at home for a lot cheaper...
  15. No, yeah, they need those because they haven't tricked people into willingly carrying a surveillance device in their pockets, all the time.
  16. I took a dip in the river yesterday... most of the grime is gone. >__>;
  17. Here's a challenge for them: Read a book.
  18. I like to say "salutations" to throw people off.
  20. It'll never have an active, real time connection to the internet. It receives all the information it needs through packets and proxies, and all outgoing information is analyzed by a secondary computer whose sole function is to detect any robot tampering. There really is no way for it to do what you're saying.
  21. You leave coyotes out of this. They're horrible, horrible creatures.
  22. That's two meople for every person. This is the end...
  23. They're the future... it might be better not to put too much pressure on them, or at least make sure they know how to cope with it... this will just turn them into depressed vegetables.
  24. You've probably got buildings blocking your view of Chapman Square. The ruckus is pretty much centered in a three block area around there. I say ruckus because it has never been anywhere approaching riot level chaos. It's funny how the news keeps trying to say it's been a riot and you can't see the carnage from your car on the highway, which would be closed if it were a real riot....
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