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Everything posted by Lasty

  1. That comes out as a little box with numbers in it... It's a little hand dealy, right?
  2. I don't think the kindness is entirely a front. She really does love the Candy people and the iron fisted dictator stuff is measures she took to protect them.
  3. There are six more episodes that are supposed to air near the end of the month. "Two Swords" "Do No Harm" "Wheels" "High Strangeness" "Horse and Ball" (The return of James Baxter, which I am actually very happy about) and "Jelly Beans have Power"
  4. Steven Universe fans?
  5. Lasty

    Send broods

    Because they're bent on galactic conquest? o_O
  6. Happy new year! ^__^
  7. Lasty

    Send prudes

    Prunes are gross, only old people eat them.
  8. Lasty

    Send Rubes!

  9. Lasty

    Send broods

    Why would we want the Zerg scurring about? o_o
  10. Lasty

    Send pubes

    That's life, bro. Regret nothing!
  11. Lasty

    Send Rubes!

    I'm sure there's more... Give me a minute
  12. My job here is done. I'm gonna stick around, though...
  13. Lasty

    Send Rubes!

    Wait, no scratch that. I'm just making rhymes, that is one of the last things we want.
  14. Lasty

    Send prudes

    I'll send a letter to the Vatican...
  15. I've found that the bigger a boob is, the less likely it is to have an appealing shape. They get lumpy and saggy. I prefer a nice medium sized boob.
  16. lol
  17. Lasty

    Send prudes

    We're way too perverted around here, we need someone to balance this out.
  18. 'kay, 20 nude kittens are en route I don't know why you needed to specify their nudity, cats are always naked.
  19. Lasty


    What is being paused, now? o_O
  20. It's good to know y'all decided to listen to me and not listen to me.
  21. That's lame, you're spoiling the fun
  22. Lasty


    I forgrot my rice in the mricrowave
  23. Which happens to be the channel # for Cartoon Network. Coincidence? Yes. Almost certainly. Don't listen to me. I'll let myself out.
  24. Lasty


  25. Lasty


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