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Ho Chi Sock

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Everything posted by Ho Chi Sock

  1. Ho Chi Sock


    I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum, but who ordered the pizza?
  2. Ho Chi Sock


    Um, nobody?
  3. Ho Chi Sock


  4. Well, if you ever wanted to live in Rapture, this would be a taste of what it's like. You know, without the splicers, Little Sisters, and Big Daddies lumbering about.
  5. Ho Chi Sock


    Why ask why ask why go home?
  6. Ho Chi Sock


    Sounds about right.
  7. Ho Chi Sock


    I only remember it because of the commercial with the frogs. Do you suppose it would taste any better after sitting 20 years? Where's Zeni, the crap beer connoisseur, when you need him? He'd drink it.
  8. Ho Chi Sock


    I originally added that part, then common sense kicked in and said, "Nope." I've never tried Bud Dry, and see no reason to change that.
  9. Ho Chi Sock


    Why ask why?
  10. Nobody wants that shit.
  11. It's like an adorable, furry version of the Blob. You still die horribly, but, aww, ain't it cute?
  12. I should have been in that one, and I should have won. Damn it!
  13. Wow, that's insane. There's no way I could do it that amount of time. I might have to look it up and check it out.
  14. Ninja Gaiden I and II. It doesn't end well for me...
  15. Ex-Lax brownies. Eat the whole batch. That should be punishment enough. If not, you could see how long you can hold it before the inevitable happens. You're welcome.
  16. Oh, I have no doubt about that.
  17. And you damn well know he would post that shit in the Food folder, too.
  18. Escaping from Packard's hovel, or scurrying into? Hmm...
  19. She's an idiot. That's what idiots do... sound like idiots.
  20. Somebody's skid mark-stained drawers are in a bunch.
  21. If you didn't want people responding, maybe you shouldn't have made a thread about it on a public message board, you ignorant sow.
  22. I read just fine, thank you. Your sentence still doesn't specify.
  23. You didn't specify, you dumb bitch. Maybe you should learn how to better convey your thoughts. And you call yourself a writer?
  24. So, she apologized for it. Now you're planning some sort of revenge. Why can't you act like a fucking adult and just get over it? Oh, that's right. Because you're petty as hell.
  25. No fascination. You're the expert of the dumpster delicatessen. $10? No wonder that steak looks so horrible.
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