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Internet Dad
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Everything posted by MEXobiologist

  1. MEXobiologist


    i've only ever seen huge dicks in pics and porn only irl i have experience with are from under average to just over average i guess you could say used to be kinda intimidated by the thought of being confronted with a well over average big D.... but after having questions answered by people here who claim to have one, it doesn't seem that intimidating anymore. if i was into a guy enough, i'd work with it owo
  2. we could just be the ones taking pics >
  3. it certainly wouldn't end well for some people jobs lost due to alcoholism asses kicked relationships broken maybe a couple unwanted pregnancies ... pics cuz it DID happen...
  4. debatable. while weed is often associated with paranoia which can make anxiety worse, that isn't always the case and many people with high anxiety find relief from it. it has quite a bit to do with the strain you choose to medicate with. typically these people are purchasing MM with higher CBD compounds.
  5. MEXobiologist


    i mean, there are good and bad versions of both, it depends on the dick i guess.... as long as it looks, smells, tastes, and bangs good! lol :fap: ::spin:: <3
  6. poof[/member] my advice is to look up MMMP doctors closest to you, then call for an appointment and go from there. you have to have a qualifying medical issue on record with a doctor that can be faxed or physically handed to the MMMP doctor. you also will need a caregiver, but i believe if you do not already have one you know who has open slots for patients, the doctors may give you recommendation or dispensaries. from what i've heard from others who just went about it themselves, they just basically made the appointment, went from there, and it was easy because they had qualifying medical conditions. i sort of fast tracked myself through the process. i already had a caregiver lined up cuz i know quite a few, made an appt at a place that has a doctor in every other week for a day, went in with my caregiver as a referral(also cuz he my friend and walked me through it), told the doc about my rheumatoid conditions, he approved the registration id, and next day i faxed my medical records, for their records. the ex went about it same route except he had nothing on record, just knew he has bone and joint conditions that cause him great amounts of pain. he was still approved and given 30 days to see a physician and send in a medical record proving as such. when you call to make an appt, they will should let you know what information you need for the visit. also, you should have a MI state drivers license or state id if you have not already acquired one since moving here. all in all, its relatively easy. as easy as making an appointment or two and providing documentation.
  7. totes legal. has everything to do with federal prohibition and zero tolerance drug policies.
  8. EXCUSES! or something...
  9. i probably wouldn't do that, maybe
  10. your employer could still fire people for failing drug tests even if med or rec is made legal in your state happens to people all the time here best just find a job that doesn't make you test, if thats your biggest concern
  11. did he just friend you or did he ask you out/to fuck?
  12. CAMPING TRIP! i miss all the funz
  13. Wait.... shouldn't I get to choose?
  14. What if life barely gave you a couple of oranges?
  15. If you are truly a smart person, as you often tout, you would find value in learning from your mistakes. By all means though, continue on.
  16. thanks fuggs
  17. truthfully, all of them lately i've been drawn to the many shades of taupe though
  18. thats not even bad compared to the prices when you go to an actual chocolatier whats bad is people paying 45$ for decor that looks like foil wrapped chocolate bunnies
  19. who would want to at that point? <3
  20. HOLY FUCK! This, try this. They are so fucking good. Pineapple, onion, and mozzarella... wrapped in bacon. https://food52.com/recipes/28675-bacon-wrapped-pineapple-mozzarella-rings-a-k-a-bacon-donuts Also jalapeno, chicken, mozzarella strips.... wrapped in bacon basically just wrap all your food in bacon or make a butt ton of baked beans with bacon and sausage to pass idk thats a shit ton of bacon
  21. no that seems like the perfect situation
  22. days like that, you just got to force yourself up and out of the house
  24. FUCK YEAH! rickrolled bitches.
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