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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. YEAH MOTHA FUCKA WELCOME BACK.....you have been missed
  2. sure if you want to put it that way....im just saying do what makes you happy because you dont wanna wake up one morning and wonder what youre wasting your life being miserable for
  3. this is the one i like....its the closest to NYC pizza ive found https://www.facebook.com/TonysPizzaPastaDallas/
  4. really now? http://www.coolmath-games.com/0-papas-pizzeria
  5. ya ever had jimmy johns?....its not bad....but firehouse subs is pretty good
  6. this and they jumped rooms
  7. why are you sad? im not...i am unable to muster the faintest shit
  8. menstruation men-rootofallevilihopeyoudieiwantchocolatethistrashbagfloatinginthewindisarepresentationofmylifeimgoingtogohomeandcryforanhour
  9. i raise my cup of pepsi
  10. bad enough where someone died and i didnt bother to show up to the funeral.....cause theyre already dead to me
  11. yeah they are pretty white trash....i dont have their contact info tho....i dont speak to them
  12. i has no liquor....
  13. omg i love starbucks so much....venti peppermint mocha latte soy no whip.....or venti green tea frappe soy no whip
  14. cause ya'll SUCK....lol
  15. hey, ho, someone called the 5-0
  16. if you like what you do now and it makes you happy...then don't change course...you don't want to get into a job that you dread going to everyday....I mean I like what I do now...and I'm ok with that...I'm not aspiring to be a pharmacist, I like more hands on and I like talking to customers....I feel more mobile....so don't change anything if you're not 100% sure you're going to be happy.
  17. i like the first post I make on a page...cause I get to see vegeta punch goku in the face...I love me my vegeta
  18. what would you be? If L_B was an animal he would be an octopus...cause anytime I touch his belly (where he's super ticklish) his defense mechanism is to fart...and as I'm gasping for air he runs away
  19. Still Me

    I've got

    i got lox and bagels on my mind
  20. i miss our late night chats when nobody else was on TC...I think I still have all the Facebook messages too
  21. Still Me


    i just watched that not long ago on Netflix....it wasn't as cool as I remembered it
  22. as much as it bothers me to come in and see nothing but Zeni threads...I usually just ignore them...I personally thinks a bad idea to fixate on one person regarding something that really doesn't directly impact you. Is he annoying? Yes...do I think he should move on and talk about something else for a change? Yes...do I think he continues to do this only to keep himself board relevant? Yes...but do you need to get over it? Yep
  24. Still Me


    what? youve never had a cannoli?
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