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Still Me

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Everything posted by Still Me

  1. we doin pets now? Look at my little old lady
  2. Jeep makes a Willy’s sport so can’t do that
  3. Socks
  4. THE HAMMER!!!
  5. The Texas Hammer
  6. Ahh so you’re a cunt
  7. first up is Pooty Booty. So I can tell people when they ask me what I’ve done over the weekend, I can say “I went scooty in the Pooty Booty”
  8. MIDDLE!
  9. Shit your pants
  10. Oh the shit I have handled
  11. so full…. of your shit
  12. but does it pay? I mean I’ll do just about any shit job to guarantee me some financial security
  13. What cunts
  14. Right? All the lady told me was that she would talk to her, that she shouldn’t have ‘dropped the mic like that’
  15. Yeah fuck that lady. What sucks here is that I had signed my original lease with another company that got bought out by the current. I don’t have access to a lease anymore from the previous company and since I didn’t sign one from them it’s all up in no mans land. Mind you this new company that took over has had 3 different property managers in less than a year.
  16. so…my moms on hospice. I think I may have mentioned this before, but I'm not sure. I need to start dealing more with that and being involved in her care both emotionally and financially. Im moving in with a new beau, and we’re almost done. The only thing left in the old place is the bed and some dishes. But the hurdle here was the lease of the old place. It’s technically not up until July, but seeing as I have to be there for my mother I asked the leasing company to see what if anything they could do to help me terminate my lease early. And this is where the fun begins: I go into the leasing office and speak to the property manager and explain the situation I’m in and ask her for help. (For starters, she didn’t even know what hospice was) She tells me that I have to email her all my mothers hospice paperwork, which technically violates my mothers hipaa…so…frowny face… so she sends my request up and it comes back denied, but in the email she says “If you need a break down of costs let me know.” So I send back another email stating that I would indeed like a break down of cost for early termination. And over the span of 3 weeks I sent a total of 4 emails still requesting and not receiving this information she offered. fast forward to yesterday I fly into the office like a bat out of hell and immediately start into this woman about her leaving me on read. To which she tells me “I didn’t leave you on read, I didn’t even read them.” So I hit full karen and told her I want the break down of costs in my hand and the email of her supervisor. Then she tells me “the costs are in your lease, you can look it up”. But as dumb luck would have it, her corporate rep walked in and I turned to her and said “you’re from corporate? I’ve been waiting for an email from this woman for 3 weeks and then she has the audacity to tell me she hasn’t bothered to read the emails, and that I need to locate my lease to find my answer.” After explaining everything to the corporate lady, she back dates my 60 day notice to 2/16 and waives all my early lease penalties.
  17. Slinging pills pays the bills as they say
  18. I like people in psych meds…it’s how I make my money
  19. Dangit bobbeh
  20. Yeah you can have all of the title and none of the money
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