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Everything posted by TrigunBebop

  1. You can’t really bang a balloon if it was never inflated in the first place. >.> <.<
  2. I’ve literally never typed “no pooping” on purpose (outside of this thread).
  3. It keeps changing “n o n p o p p I n g” to “no pooping”.
  4. I am okay with this, so long as said balloon stuff is only non-pop.
  5. Depends. Did you inflate the condom first?
  6. Awful lot of Thursday going on in here.
  7. Depends on if they do balloon content or not.
  8. Just a reminder: You never have to worry about this with a balloon. #BalloonSexIsSafeSex
  9. Just finished both the Mega Man X Legacy Collections. Might start the Zero/ZX Collection soon.
  10. It’s a balloon thing. Citrus oils eat through latex.
  11. All things citrus. Also, sharp and/or pointy things.
  12. Dark Chocolate almond milk is best milk.
  13. Balloons. Also, cocks. Nothing. I’m a total airhead. >.>
  14. Blah blah gay sex blah blah balloons. also, cocks.
  15. Pronouns only. No proper nouns at all.
  16. I'll float down on you, bby. Or something. >.>;
  17. Last time I bought Party City balloons, they were all stale and fragile. Most of them popped before even reaching 3/4 of their rated size. >_< I really only ever buy balloons online anymore. Most party supply stores around here don't sell big balloons (and the few who do sell cheap, crappy brands). I really wish more places around here carried Tuftex.
  18. Yay Studio Fuusen! ❤️
  19. Wait... why are they falling? I thought they floated.
  20. Birthday nuggies? AW HEAL YEAH
  21. Where'd you get that time from?
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