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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. Just wrap it in some baseball field tarp and send her back out there. She'll be fine.
  2. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2023-03-16/kinnikuman-franchise-gets-new-anime-for-40th-anniversary/.196045 Note that this is the original series and not Kinnikuman Nisei which is better known in the west as Ultimate Muscle. Also, for no particular reason, here's a picture of a character named Dik Dik Van Dik
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  3. Just read chapter 2 and all I can say is HAHAHAHAHA
  4. https://www.gq.com/story/creed-iii-keenan-coogler-michael-b-jordan-jonathan-majors-interview Nice to see classic Toonami rubbing off on people enough that they decide to make a blockbuster film using the block as a reference point.
  5. I mean, Danmachi is literally right there...
  6. April 1st falls on a Saturday this year which means it's time for them to pull some shenanigans again. Last time, if I remember correctly, they had their shows aired in Japanese with English subtitles, but that was back when they were still loosely associated with Crunchyroll. It will be interesting to see what Toonami does this time around now that they're practically on their own. I kind of assume there will probably be some kind of new Rick and Morty special myself, but what do you all think?
  7. For only the 4th time in its publication history, Ultra Jump will be reprinting the issue featuring the debut of JOJO Lands. It's still as popular as ever.
  8. So, Toriko, as a manga, was great. Sadly, Toei got their grubby hands on it and Toei-fied it for younger audiences which pretty much killed any hype it had as an anime. Even putting it with Dragonball and One Piece couldn't save it from irrelevancy. It deserved so much better.
  9. It's about to get much worse for the Vinland Saga dub. Thorfinn's VA's is being accused of Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2023-02-13/thorfinn-dub-voice-actor-accused-of-domestic-abuse-sexual-assault/.194704
  10. Via Toonami's Facebook Page. Looks like the rumors of Warner permanently snatching DC stuff from Toonami were a bit exaggerated.
  11. Just as a note, this WON"T be affecting the Rick and Morty anime that's in production as Roiland was never penned in to voice the characters.
  12. Good thing there's a co-creator, otherwise the series would probably get cancelled outright.
  13. We already have a live action My Hero Academia. It's called 'Sky High'
  14. Watching this Yule Log is about to make me drop a Yule Log wtf
  15. She may be best bunny girl, but she don't got plot protection like the protags do.
  16. Live Daffy Duck reaction to a rabbit getting more screen time than him
  17. So, in my hubris, I believe I might have mistaken King Star King for Kick Heart after watching the latter again.
  18. http://www.thefutoncritic.com/news/2022/11/29/space-age-heroes-return-when-king-star-king-and-ballmastrz-rubicon-unleash-on-adult-swim-february-2023-822414/20221129adultswim01/ I like both of these, but I like that Ballmasterz is going to get a more definitive ending more.
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