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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. Nami fans, enjoy the view now because outside of the intro and opening narration, this is the last we're seeing of her for nearly 100 episodes
  2. This episode ain't ever seeing the light of day in the UK
  3. Maybe they will actually get off their ass and help David Production animate Steel Ball Run Just don't let Zaslav know of its existence, otherwise he will cancel it.
  4. I find it ironic that the next Death Battle was supposed to be Tom vs Wil E. Coyote Zaslav basically killed the latter twice.
  5. DBZ is literally the foundation of what we know Toonami to be today. Without it, the block might not have been as successful as it was. Hell, a lot of media we know and love outside of that might not even exist today because of it. That's just how successful and influential Toriyama's work was.
  6. Absolutely gutted over this. A legend gone, just like that. Fuck.
  7. I miss C. Martin Croker
  8. Guess I should start watching Jellystone because this rules.
  9. Get ready to write a fanfic about Zaslav getting butt pounded in prison, pal.
  10. I'm gonna have to ask where you first saw this rumor because I'm highly pessimistic about this.
  11. LOL they actually got hacked for real just before the occasion https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2024-02-02/ghost-in-the-shell-x-twitter-account-apparently-hacked-for-real-before-laughing-man-incident-date/.207044
  12. He up chucked the chuck rock cleaner to unchuck his rock.
  13. From his Twitter account If this is a OPM S3 "Fuck it, I'll do it myself!" moment, he will be the greatest of all time.
      • 1
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  14. Per Variety https://variety.com/2023/film/news/origin-boichi-kodansha-film-adaptation-1235823879/ Before people go on saying "What about Sun-Ken Rock?" That series does tend to devolve into straight up hentai at some points.
  15. Sanji would enjoy the cooking aspect while Zoro will just drink all the wine. Usopp would probably end up having the turkey on his head. Chopper would probably mistake everyone getting tired for the food being poisoned while Robin would be reading a book about the first Thanksgiving. Franky will transform his hair to resemble a rooster, completely missing the point of his own joke and Brook will use a drumstick like a live mic while trying to dance with the turkey carcass. Nami would be the straight laced one, but she'll probably be wearing some kind of pilgrim getup with her tits hanging out.
  16. Announcement from Aniplex I've never seen this before. Is this any good?
  17. Not when the episodes are doubled up like they've been for a long while now.
  18. As of now, there are only 36 episodes of Shippuden remaining. Barring any holiday marathons, that would put the show on schedule to end sometime in late March/early April. Kind of weird to think what the block will be like with no more Naruto, but we have to start considering it. Do you think Boruto returns to the block then or do we maybe get something else?
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