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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. This is reportedly set to be revealed at Anime Expo this weekend. Apparently, Batman Ninja wasn't enough for them.
  2. Speilberg, Scosese, Paul Thomas Anderson. All of them. Pissed off.
  3. I think it looks alright, but the mere fact that they used the word COPE while promoting the trailer on Twitter makes me fearful of the dialogue. See also:
  4. And so ends Food Wars. An interesting idea on paper and, while it had staying power for a good while, devolved into a bunch of nonsense with a non-ending despite most of the story being built up to ship the two main characters as a couple.
  5. I wonder if, with this being Adult Swim and all, they'll have free reign to air Rude Removal.
  6. What a great and appropriate name for that block.
  7. This series is gonna end up running as long as Professor Farnsworth is old.
  8. Dethklok x Babymetal might be the most perfect crossover of all times. Oh and there's that thing with the new movie. If there were ever a time for Adult Swim to mend bridges with the Metalocalypse fandom, now is the time.
  9. It's also ironic because the most recent chapter of the manga has
  10. Denji gave up devil hunting and decided to become a chef instead
  11. If we're talking evil chefs, then they gotta get this guy involved
  12. Remember the copycat guy who kept taking utensils from his opponents as trophies? Kinda the same deal here.
  13. Apparently, AS is doing a takedown of all twitter posts showing the trailer to the show. I guess they wanna promote it themselves.
  14. Honestly, I had no clue he was working on a new project. Not sure of what to think from the initial trailer, but seeing this is Genndy, there's no way this is going to be awful, right?
  15. Sniper Mommy! Edit: If you guys didn't notice, she was one of the escapees from Tartarus shown from when AFO attacked.
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