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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. The Jojo OVA's are out on Netflix today and after the whole Vic debacle, they got someone new to voice the titular character. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-02-18/landon-mcdonald-voices-rohan-in-thus-spoke-kishibe-rohan-ova-english-dub/.169662
  2. Aaaaand it was for an Escape Room project... https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/bbs/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3158343
  3. It was more like a camping trip episode with bikinis.
  4. Wouldn't it technically be Demon Slayer 3 because of the movie?
  5. That reminds me. What if the opening for AoT isn't an allegory for war, but a fantabulous gender reveal party?
  6. I know how this series ends proper and trust me, I'm not spoiling it.
  7. Trigger. Kaiju. Beach Episode. Fanservice. I have a feeling I know where this is going...
  8. Why is Galliard so freaked out? He was literally in a warzone in the first episode with a lot more people trying to kill him. With cannons no less.
  9. Can't let a wall of hair get in your eyes while flying 100 mph on wires.
  10. Floch, AKA the sole survivor of Erwin's final charge who instigated a fight between the scouts by bringing the commander's body back.
  11. RIP Zofia. She was probably the more interesting of the warrior candidates.
  12. That motionless general is probably wondering if he left his stove on at home.
  13. In the manga, this little talk with Willy happened before the transformation.
  14. I know. And it sucks.
  15. In elfie's defense, there was a break between season 1 and 2 of Food Wars in Japan as well and it didn't stop Toonami from airing both of them back to back.
  16. Should have dumped Food Wars between Fire Force and Black Clover and moved Gridman up behind AoT. Edit: Also, if anyone is curious, DeMarco says that S2 of AssClass WILL be on the block at some point.
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