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Everything posted by 3ngag3

  1. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/interest/2021-02-08/malaysian-comic-magazine-censors-attack-on-titan-manga-with-pants/.169254 Where do you think these titans get their spandex from?
  2. https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-briefs/2021-02-07/megumi-han-mariya-ise-tease-new-recording-for-that-project/.169261 Can't they just let the meme of this show never continuing live on in peace?
  3. Well, the dick-suckery in that show is pretty obvious, but at least Bell is a good enough written character to make it justifiable.
  4. If we know anything about Kirito's family, I'm sure his mother probably wants to boink him too.
  5. More MC bullshit here as Kirito is somehow able to fight a sophisticated and seemingly superior bipedal construct to a draw.
  6. Alice delivering herself to Kirito like some kind of cheap Russian mail order bride.
  7. I love how the audience in in shock not noticing the rando in the background getting smashed with debris.
  8. Notice how Pieck was grabby with that passing soldier? I think she knows something is up.
  9. They were led underground because transforming in a confined space would limit their movement. In Reiner's case, I'm thinking Eren is using Falco as sort of a hostage since transforming would probably crush him flat.
  10. A second anime season has been confirmed! https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-01-31/goblin-slayer-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season/.169001
  11. This press conference reminds me of a Robot Chicken skit and I'm waiting for one of the reporters to ask if Alice can have sex.
  12. Reiner lost his money to these hungry kids and now he's about to lose his mind thanks to someone hungry for revenge.
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