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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. I'm coming naked, you whore.
  2. Did a magician bang your lady or somethin?
  3. Dude you should have heard him beatbox. It was legit impressive
  4. I'll punch you so hard in the ass.
  5. ......thin ice....don't you say it.
  6. He was actually pretty damn good. His beatboxing was amazeballs /blog
  7. Also what if he keeps fucking the brother and just ignores the original slampiece?
  8. Do they get jealous when you please there brother?
  9. Damn bro you're like the perfect man
  10. SHHH! I'm unraveling him.
  11. Smash, steal everything in their fridge, and never come back
  12. So the other day I'm fuckin this chick right
  13. That sounds like some shit you get at cracker barrel. But I'll snatch that shit. Only for you tho 😉
  14. Tell me the liquor you want and I'll steal that shit bb
  15. Well only Conor McGregor says corny shit like that lol
  16. See now why you gotta be bouji af up in here
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