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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Like oh my fucking god
  2. HBD mf
  3. Mike leach is the fucking goat. Roll tide
  4. High
  5. Shit is confusing
  6. LOL no
  7. Yo
  8. Is ulta region specific? I've never heard of it
  9. Thank you. Also happy early birthday!
  10. Yo how do you make your hair so beautiful? I'm growing my shit out and it looks whorendous
  11. I mean I have video that I send to bookers. Can't record every gig tho. This was a private birthday party with children so I don't think they would want it recorded. I can throw up crowd work bits once in a while tho. I did a show downtown with some good crowd work. The venue recorded it to so I could throw that up
  12. They already are. They're called open mics
  13. No lie. There were Hella kids man. Shit was weird
  14. LOL that's for the better
  15. Just did thirty at some fifty year Olds birthday. LOTS of kids. It was an interesting thing because I literally had to adjust my material on the fly. I accidentally said fuck and it crushed tho.... Dude they even brought babies
  16. HBD MF
  17. Bro was that his real name?
  18. Let's smoke that fucking good good bruh
  19. Bro that shit gets me fucked up. I got high off my ass and drove 2 hours
  20. Wusgood?
  21. Dam that's hot. U tryna smoke?
  22. I'm chillin how u do in? Asl?
  23. How you been?
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