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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. It's just the trailer rn. It'll be on Amazon Prime later tho
  2. Lol
  3. Ehh it's a bar. They're always celebrating
  4. Another pic of me holding a microphone. Yaaaaaaaaay
  5. Pass that shit over here homie
  6. I would never spend that kind of money on something I couldn't smoke
  7. Tf you need so much banana for?
  8. https://anchor.fm/corydreshow/episodes/CD-11-A-Cory--Dre-Simulation-erhurq
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  9. ........great fucking story
  10. Fuck they can't just do me a solid this one time?
  11. Now please
  12. Not really. Tbh I feel like I annoy ppl here fr. I'm not like depressed about it but at the same time I think I should slow down posting bas much
  13. Yeah but I forgot I talked about this already. I'm fucking boring. This thread was a mistake 😭
  14. Why did you make your fuckboy exploits sound like the midnight ride of Paul Revere 😂
  15. You probably slammed so many whores
  16. I'm trash as fuck
  17. Holy fuck have I already told this story? I'm fucking boring
  18. I met this asian lady and had the strangest sexual encounter ever. We matched and almost immediately started talking about sex. She gave me her address and I drove to this dark kinda shitty neighborhood in the southside of pittsburgh. She poked her head out and asked me If I was the dude from tinder. Then she hugged me....which was weird as shit. Anyways, she gave me a blowjob and then vigorously cleaned my penis with baby wipes and a very soft towel. She also commented that my penis was a very nice color. I never saw or heard from her again because she deleted her account afterward. I never learned her name. Our entire knowledge of each other consisted of a sexual conversation, a blowjob, and a penis cleaning.
  19. I'm jealous. Your boss sounds like he was really cool 🥺
  20. See he sounds like a nice guy. My boss is arrogant af and thinks he's hot shit because he knows how to make spreadsheets 😕
  21. Lol he was talking about joe rogan I'd be more embarrassed about that
  22. I know. He has a massive ego tbh which is part of the reason he can't move up
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