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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. You're wrong. It was a Thursday
  2. You back in Ohio?
  3. You're not supposed to talk to these thots cuzz
  4. Then realized I haven't busted a nut in a week
  5. Seriously fuck him. Every story I've heard about him has been extremely negative
  6. Sexual assault and provolone
  7. Idk how to. I'm sure someone will move or delete it
  8. Ppl in this city are sucking his fucking dick because OMG RAWTHLISBURGER HAS 2 SUPER BOWL RINGS AND HE'S RETIRING! THANK YOU BEN! Yes... Yes thank you Ben for being the literal embodiment of entitlement. Thank you for using the "do you know who I am?" line to get out of paying the ridiculous tabs you run up all over the south side. Thank you for being an overgrown drunken mess of a man child that once picked a fight with James Harrison at a country club (I know someone who was there) before 10 people pulled him away and literally saved your fucking life. Thank you for talking shit about your teammates and whining like a little fucking girl when you play like shit. Most of all thank you for showing the entire world that sexual assault allegations mean nothing if you can win a stupid fucking championship in a game that enables this bullshit behavior. Enjoy your retirement you fat fuck I know this probably belongs in sports but nobody goes there lol
  9. That just makes it shittier
  10. Fuckin A
  11. Fuk yeah harder daddy
  12. I didnt know you had empathy. I'll be damned
  13. Solid bit. A bit dark but I like the twist.
  14. You're the only one that knows I'm still in this thread 😭
  15. Popeye voted for trump
  16. That_One_Guy


  17. I might look. Oakland has some grub
  18. Doesn't Disney own Popeye?
  19. Hahaha. I like this
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