Ah the moon was fun af. I got stuck on a time trial tho and just gave tf up. I also got a ps1 game called jersey devil that I never heard of so that's exciting 😀
So yeah I got offered a hit off a 90 percent thc weed pen. I've smoked and drank myself into oblivion so much that I arrogantly thought there was nothing I couldn't handle. So I took two really big hits of this pen and thought I was hot shit
I was ever so fucking wrong.
I just felt kinda buzzed at first then all the sudden I had that "OH FUCK IM REALLY HIGH I HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS FOR THE NEXT 12 HOURS" moment. Dude I was so fucking high I went to my car and started it and turned it off several times for no reason. I went to the McDonald's drive through and kept backing up to the first window because I thought they forgot about me three different times. I briefly considered calling the police on myself because I was two hours from home and I had no other way to get there. I was still very high the next day at work and that shit was also not fun.
Shit like this is why I avoid weed honestly. I either don't get high at all or I get so fucked up I'm miserable for two days. Like Jesus fucking christ I somehow had a terrible time while high as fuck.
Theres my pointless blog