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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. Habaneros Kinda weak but these were hot af
  2. Have to when they're wild
  3. I'm not saying this is my last post but wouldn't it be wild if it was 😭
  4. You know someone misbehaved 😎
  5. He got bood off stage at the talent show
  6. Wanted to be a rapper, had a lazy eye, failed every class, was about 400 pounds. Was trash at rap.
  7. I'm an asshole in this one 😀
  8. TheBoonies_SocialMedia_01.mp4
  9. Ah the moon was fun af. I got stuck on a time trial tho and just gave tf up. I also got a ps1 game called jersey devil that I never heard of so that's exciting 😀
  10. I love blast corps. It's a bitch to 100 percent tho
  11. WE HAVE A NOT SO KNOWN GUEST THIS WEEK https://anchor.fm/corydreshow/episodes/CD-12-The-Green-Power-Ranger-feat--Kevin-Budkey-et0mdt
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  12. Lol not sure why I thought this would be up for debate
  13. I'm leaning this way. Honestly I might just get both
  14. I've heard that but Ive also heard that if it's made incorrectly one small bit could destroy you
  15. Nope. Not going to either. Fuck that shit. I'll stick to joints
  16. So yeah I got offered a hit off a 90 percent thc weed pen. I've smoked and drank myself into oblivion so much that I arrogantly thought there was nothing I couldn't handle. So I took two really big hits of this pen and thought I was hot shit I was ever so fucking wrong. I just felt kinda buzzed at first then all the sudden I had that "OH FUCK IM REALLY HIGH I HAVE TO BE LIKE THIS FOR THE NEXT 12 HOURS" moment. Dude I was so fucking high I went to my car and started it and turned it off several times for no reason. I went to the McDonald's drive through and kept backing up to the first window because I thought they forgot about me three different times. I briefly considered calling the police on myself because I was two hours from home and I had no other way to get there. I was still very high the next day at work and that shit was also not fun. Shit like this is why I avoid weed honestly. I either don't get high at all or I get so fucked up I'm miserable for two days. Like Jesus fucking christ I somehow had a terrible time while high as fuck. Theres my pointless blog
  17. I fucking despise/love coding
  18. Me and the homie after the show tonight. I took two hits of his vape and it FUCKED. ME. UP.
  19. I'm scared. What is that?
  20. Lol that'd be a short conversation
  21. Yeah I get pretty fucked up lmao. No spoilers but my death is nice and gory
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