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Everything posted by That_One_Guy

  1. OK I'm booked till April already so you got options. I'm doing a lot of hyatts and mariotts and shit so there's that
  2. Wusgood 😎
  3. No idea. I won something in a df thread apparently.links broken tho
  4. Are you still going around saying all that hoo ha shit? You still in Pittsburgh? Come to my shows
  5. Wtf bro is she still here?
  6. I plan on retiring around 35
  7. Working on it
  8. I'd still come here if I was famous but to answer your question fuck no
  9. Wusgood
  10. See if I had a beard and did that I'd be in fucking gitmo. The fuck
  11. Been a while. I apparently won something or some shit. Idk lol hi
  12. Link? Btw just to reiterate this is for research lol
  13. I own an N64 and need an emulator and ROMs for research purposes Recommendations
  14. Good, positive thinking. I like that.
  15. I'm letting my job define my self worth. I've failed like two days in a row and this shit is starting to fuck with me. Idk what bothers me more: the fact that I'm failing or the fact that I'm allowing it to bother me. Tldr? I'm a small penised individual
  16. It's all dumb ass decisions and qtes. I got this game for free and I want my money back foh 🖕
  17. Do that shit dry and keep it short. We got work to do mf
  18. Can't deny it anymore 😂 I mean there's still cool ppl here mfs just don't have time to make bomb ass threads anymore
  19. Been dead bruh
  20. Nah homie they beat that shit into the mf ground
  21. Kano was great but they really beat his schtick into the ground
  22. Well they beat the whole "look they're saying fuck! Funny huh?" Angle to fucking death
  23. Ehhh. It was aight. There was a lot of weird plot holes and shit I wasn't too happy about. I almost walked out when johnny cage wasn't in the first thirty minutes
  24. You will or you won't. Either way you're a human being that deserves love.
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