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Everything posted by Raptorpat

  1. https://x.com/AP/status/1820552447032443081
  2. https://x.com/DAVID_LYNCH/status/1820561669216686367
  3. seems intent on losing GA again https://x.com/GaSecofState/status/1819861336924254404 https://www.politico.com/news/2024/08/03/trump-brian-kemp-georgia-00172564
  4. True, but he did make several comments throughout his rally complaining that "there are thousands of people outside and they could really fit another 600 people in here".
  5. sharts fired https://x.com/KamalaHQ/status/1819890055957057634
  6. https://x.com/sundownmotel/status/1819844016885870814
  7. nightmare fuel
  8. Correct, he made a show of refusing to debate her for two weeks, got called out on it, and then last night publicly announced a date/GOP venue on his social media without vetting or negotiating it with the other side, and got called out on that too. And that makes her the chicken?
  9. I didn't know Steven Tyler had a vocal injury
  10. he unilaterally made up a debate/host when there was already one scheduled with a different host that he was walking away from
  11. phillies was definitely a unique brand of energy
  12. yes Fran Drescher is the current president of SAG-AFTRA
  13. SAG-AFTRA is circulating a petition. As of right now at 9,969 signatures out of a 10k goal.
  14. tangential to the war, there was a massive multi-country prisoner swap between Russia, US, and others. https://x.com/POTUS/status/1819035443930800616
  15. he immediately began by pointing out they were a half hour late because they couldn't get their equipment running, but allegedly it's because there was a half hour standoff over whether the journalists could real-time fact check
  16. I watched the full 34 minutes (the trump team cut the hour quite a bit short) and it was pretty hostile I think the "open air" racism campaign begins today
  17. yerite
  18. https://x.com/wontpacdown/status/1817953425558270183
  19. Slightly different. NY requires the state constitutional convention ("concon") ballot question every 20 years. It started out with general public support, our state constitution is horribly long with a lot of old/outdated/irrelevant content. But there are a lot of important protections in there too so all the institutional stakeholders from across the spectrum universally opposed it and collectively ran scorched earth campaigns against it.
  20. There are several conservative efforts to trigger a constitutional convention that are surprisingly far along, the plan being to take advantage of the fact that post-2010 Republicans have controlled a disproportionate amount of state legislatures. Here's an article from 2022: https://www.businessinsider.com/constitutional-convention-conservatives-republicans-constitution-supreme-court-2022-7
  21. now HERE's the nightmare fuel https://www.commoncause.org/our-work/constitution-courts-and-democracy-issues/article-v-convention/
  22. Fox News interview didn't go well https://x.com/harryjsisson/status/1818030161734025467/
  23. Roy Cooper out of the veepstakes https://x.com/RoyCooperNC/status/1818080476273201442
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