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Everything posted by PokeNirvash
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Yeah, CSW was fun, but I quit reading their blog after they shit on half the shows I watched in 2012 (Eureka AO, Natsuyuki Rendevous, K and Shining Hearts, specifically). I can only imagine how further down the tubes they went after that. :-\ Love the new Toonami intro. The occasional split-second sound glitch on my recording, not so much. DRAGONBALL Z KAI Interesting way to recap the last two episodes. But I do like how it portrayed Cell returning mere seconds after Goku transported him away from Earth. Even after 12 years, I’m still not sure if I can do a Kamehameha right. Oh hey, full OP again. ;D Oh Vegeta, you and your pride. Okay, didn’t see that apology coming. AND TRUNKS IS STILL FUCKING DEAD. (Until they use the Dragonballs, that is.) Who cares what Dr. Gero thinks? Perfect Cell is a total dick, but his voice actor is great. I’ll admit, the sky looks beautiful for its last appearance. SUDDENLY THE SPIRIT OF GOKU. I love how Piccolo’s antennae are just flopping around like that. Heh, King Kai’s still sour. If I understand this correctly… saying “Kamehame” starts the charge-up of the blast, but you can wait however long you want before firing it with the “Ha”? Oh hey, Goku’s spirit’s there too. ”It looks just like the show.” “Well, it pretty much is the show.” Y’know, except the fact that it’s CG-animated. Dammit Piccolo go with theeeeeeeeere we go. Have you prayed to Super Kami Dende today? “I’m not! This is all I’ve got!” BULLHORN. Gohan, listen to your father! Yes, remember the Dragonballs. Oh goddammit Piccolo. You know you’re crazy when Vegeta of all people is calling you out on it. Of course I’m getting Nen vibes from this scene. TEAMWORK… DENIED. Thank god that blast wasn’t really all that fatal! Character development, bitches. And of course, Yamcha doesn’t have anything important to say. I feel like Gohan should start using both hands for this Kamehameha. SUDDENLY VEGETA. Still, I gotta admit, a one-handed Kamehameha is pretty badass in its own right. And that’s our story. Cell’s dead. Goodnight. Huh, it’s been a while since we’ve seen Gohan with black hair, hasn’t it? Wait how’d they know he won? They could probably sense it, I’m sure. Can you believe that there’s two episodes left of this? Neither can I. TOP BILLING: Goku. ”How do you make this moment last?” You fast-forward to the end to see if it does last. JOJO’S BIZARRE ADVENTURE RATING SCREENCAP #1: A nice exterior shot of Tonpetty’s Hamon training grounds. REPLY TO ANGEL 1: “I have no idea what year the show takes place so I also have no idea how long ago this flashback is.” Show takes place in 1888. Flashback takes place in 1863. Flashback is 25 years before show. Hope that answers your question. And now for him to tell you your fortune. That’s a surprisingly noble reason for wanting to know when you’ll pass. Now that’s some impressively vague/specific fortune telling. Well this fight is off to an awesome if not exactly favorable start. That shadow to Speedwagon’s right doesn’t look too good… NOOOOOOO ZEPPELI. Zeppeli, I can believe, but Jonathan could be either alive or dead at this point. I mean, have you even seen what he’s survived? Knew it, he’s still kicking. Ehh, I wouldn’t call surviving a broken neck “importaste”. “TAKE IT! MY LOVE, MY ANGER, AND ALL OF MY SORROW!” Wow, he aged fast. Speedwagon: supportive of Zeppeli’s final decision, but still distraught at his demise. FUCK YEAH JONATHAN. ;D That insult interruption. Again with the Nen similarities. Oh hey, Poco’s awake again. How’d I miss that the first time? “There’s been nothing like this ever!” As far as you know. AND THAT’S TWO DOWN. I like the broken-up Alexa ads. Much better than all three following each other. RATING SCREENCAP #2: You are now manually humming the opening riff to Stairway to Heaven. Damn, I’m actually tearing up this time… :’( REPLY TO ANGEL 2: “Dude haven't you known each other for like a week?” In all fairness, it was a very eventful week. [salutes TV] And now to see what Dio’s been doing. Oh this is going to end badly. And end badly it did. Dio, you’re rat bastard, even if you did keep your word to that woman. JoJo’s getting serious now. “Is Wind Knight’s Lot alive, or undead?” Either way, there’s a lot of activity. I still don’t get what he means by those pointed fingers. Ewwwwwww tongue. Did you not see his reaction time? That ain’t no “human speed”. More like superhuman. Well that guy looks menacing. HEADBUTT. Dire and Straitzo? Can somebody say… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwDDswGsJ60 And joining them is none other than Tom Petty. Didn’t expect him to still be alive. Sorry, Tonpetty doesn’t do handshakes. One expository filling in later… I will never not love the fuck out of Roundabout. Those man-headed cats are freaky as fuck. Like the cat-headed bird, though. Awwwww shit he’s got Poco’s sister. The best Christmas carols are the ones that lack actual singing. Hence why this Hershey’s Kisses commercial gets points from me. MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS They just got to Edmonton and already there’s injuries? Must’ve been some propane convention… I didn’t really think Makanai was being all that condescending. What a waste of a perfectly good bridge. 3 straight days of fighting without a food break. Impressive. NEVER SKIP LEG DAY. Oh hey that kid sounds just like Gon. This show is trying awfully hard to make us ship Orga with Merribit. I love it when widescreen and letterboxing mix. This political stuff is the reason the ratings are dropping isn’t it. It’s either be risky or be cowardly at this point. ALWAYS BET ON TEKKADAN. I love how everyone wants Merribit to shut up. Wait, is that Biscuit’s hat? Sometimes the wrong thing to do is the only thing to do. Or at least, the only thing that can be done with some chance of success. Who is driving? Oh my god, Atra is driving, how can that be!? SO MUCH FOR YOUR COFFEE BREAK. Of course Gaelio’s involved with this. Hot Streets looks like it’s from the Zurtrun guys. Certainly looks better. Not enough damns there, dude. FUCK YEAH EUGENE. And those other guys too. REPLY TO ANGEL 3: “Goddammit Kirito how did you even GET here?!” Because he’s Kirito and he can do almost anything. “I hope I can still get paid for this.” Okay not a minute of screentime and I already hate Mobile Suit Ein. Well the head got destroyed but that doesn’t me-ohhhhhhhh spoke to soon. Meanwhile, with not-so-mortally-wounded people… I love bridge fences like that. Oh shit, more blood, this is gonna end terribly. And a usual, Mikazuki don’t give a fuck. As bad as that was for Norba, I love those piston punches. Very Big O. Shut up, Ein. KUDELIAAAAAAAAAAAA. WE CITYWIDE BLACKOUT NOW. FUCK YOU EIN. For some reason, my dad thinks Kudelia is voiced by Kate Higgins instead of Cherami Leigh. Every loud girl sounds like Sakura to him. FUCK YEAH MIKAZUKI. And now it’s McGillis vs. Gaelio. ;D I knew it, that was a wig! The moral of that movie: don’t fuck with blind people. HUNTER x HUNTER And they said we’d only know how Nen works in one episode… Y’know, people keep comparing these to Beyblades, but I think they’re more like dreidels than anything else. I love these chibi interpretations. So you’re saying that he loved tops when he was a kid? Oof, right in the stomach. He doesn’t care what the ref thinks. Sumo Tops? Never heard of it. And then he became the top. I’d say it’s better that he fights to last than fight to win, since it’s at this point impossible to do the latter. Wait, since when was Killua in the crowd? Wing is both disappointed and impressed. DOOOOOOOOOOOOODGE! Hisoka totally has a boner right now. I’m still unsure if the father likes the spicy chicken tenders or if he was just caught off-guard by how hot they are. Has anyone else noticed that the Heaven’s Arena looks like some type of long gun? And in the end, he lost with injuries. But at least he didn’t die. Dammit show quit trying to make me ship these two. I was actually expecting that slap. Sometimes I forget that “Nen initiation” is supposed to be a thing. But didn’t he say it’d take four months? Well, it’s nice to know that Gon’s understanding of the situation. And now a flashback to the moment of defeat. Not as brutal as I expected, really. Hmm, maybe I should quit trying to force these comments. Meditation time. This music sounds way too eerie for this scene. Now to see what Kurapika’s been doing all this time. Okay, no woman should have that many piercings on her face. Oh yeah, Gon and Killua don’t know that there’s a part to the Exam after getting the license. ACORN BULLET. Gotta love this rainy atmosphere. Sweet, another Nen teacher. Dang, they keep pulling out new guys for these supposedly important roles, aren’t they? NARUTO SHIPPUDEN Last time, on the world’s longest staring contest, things got way edgier than any sane man could think. Oww, I can feel that in my eyes. Oh hey it’s one of the Allstate Helping Hands. Itachi, why are you putting his eye in that jar of urine? And then things got Off the Air levels of weird. I mean really, that shit looked like it belonged there in DVR Theater. That thing about weapons being as strong as their owner is true when it comes to shounen, take a look at that guy who threw that acorn at Kurapika like it was an explosive-tipped sniper bullet. ;D And things get weirder with a 15-second OP. I swear, someone has to be having some degree of fun with this episode if they pulled a troll like that. “The air around Itachi has shifted.” Yeah, that’s just him using Ten. Hey, whatever gets us further away from all those genjutsu piled atop one another. I love that giant shuriken. Reminds me of better times. Alright, that legitimately caught me off-guard. It’s moments like this that remind me why Sasuke is, as the German OP calls him, “really cool”. Zetsu is the Speedwagon of this episode. Alright, I’m actually kinda invested in this battle. Part of me thinks Amaterasu should be a genjutsu and not some Sharingan-enhanced ninjutsu. Hopefully that weird food spray doesn’t turn Bryan Cranston into a giant blueberry. Oh boy, how’s Sasuke gonna bullshit his way out of this one? Apparently he didn’t need to. AND NOW WE’RE GETTING TO THE GOOD MUSIC. And now for the bullshitting. Of all the things I was expecting, I wasn’t expecting him to turn into acid. Or maybe he just shed his skin. It isn’t eye magicks, so I’ll take it. Time for a little Talking Heads to set the scene: Wait, why’s his eye bleeding again? Last jutsu ever or the last needed to beat Itachi? I can only imagine what he’ll do to finally take him out. Must be insane, if they’re going all Cliff Hanger on us. Huh, same ED this time. If this special is real, I wanna see it. ONE PIECE TOP BILLING: Moria. I have a feeling this is one of those super-long recaps they warned us about. REPLY TO ANGEL 4: “I wonder if that laugh hurts his actor's throat.” He’s done abridged series before, I’m sure he’s used to it. Nice gratuitous shot of Nami’s breasts, show. I know you’re all shocked that Oars can stretch, but is Nami safe? His neck can stretch too? Now that’s just weird. Oh good the bag of salt is safe. Yes, let’s all blame Moria. And no, I’m not saying that sarcastically. Shadow Revolution is admittedly an awesome name. FUCK YOU DOPPELMAN. Do you buy that Moria can do anything with shadows now, Foley? FUCK YEAH OARS BALL. Alright my dad just saw Moria’s face and he called him the Joker on steroids and meth. Meanwhile, Franky is still unconscious. FUCK YEAH BROOK. I’m gonna call this attack the Giga Drill Brook. Who else approves? NOOOOOOO BROOK. EVEN ROBIN IS HORRIFIED. Taunting isn’t really your strong suit, Oars. Cuatro Manos: The Four Hands of Fate. Yesssssss snap his neck. FUCK YOU DOPPELMAN. One bite to the arm and Sanji suddenly gives a damn. THANK YOU SANJI. Oh good, Robin’s still conscious. But not for long, apparently. ;D NECKBREAKER. Wait, how the fuck did he get there? More shadow bullshit? He wasn’t saying “drama”. He was saying “trauma”! Like the kind he was about to dish out… You think Doppelman’s flipping them the bird? Oh shit I recognize those scissors. FUCK YOU MORIA. “I believe that puts three of your team under my belt.” You mean four, dumbass. Oh man Sanji’s breaking out the fire legs. Yes, listen to Oars. OR MAYBE NOT, SCREW YOU OARS. FUCK YEAH SANJI. So that’s where Chopper was this whole time. For a second there, I thought Zoro and Sanji were gonna say that they’d never unsee the vision of a naked Oars. I had a gut feeling Chopper would disappear from his shoulder. Every time a door closes for the Straw Hats, a window opens. “Not feeling any pain doesn’t make you stronger.” An awesome choice of words. Welp, so much for that open window. Hopefully another one opens next episode. I just flipped Moria the bird and I have no regrets. Oh, so by “under my belt”, he meant how many he knocked out. So that leaves the original three additions to the crew left, then. [if zoro’s out they’re screwed] -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
No, I'm never reading WAFFLES again. Not after my incessant want for people to read my own fiction idea made J-Dubb hate me forever. Plus parts of it are legit painful in hindsight. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I dunno, I haven't seen a lick of either Index, Index II, Railgun, Railgun S, or the Index movie. The closest I've been to Index was J-Dubb and cidthekittyisfun's WAFFLES! fanfiction from the old boards, which shamelessly ripped it off. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
So? English dubs replace voice actors if the original is dead, retired, or unavailable all the time. When Bob Papenbrook died during the dubbing of Eureka seveN, Kyle Hebert replaced him as Ken-Goh. When Scott Freeman got arrested and jailed, Josh Grelle took over as Issei in the broadcast dub of DxD BorN. And who can forget J. Michael Tatum replacing Dameon Clarke as Scar in the dub of FMA Brotherhood? Point is, if Index or Railgun S3 gets made and dubbed, FUNi will fine an appropriate replacement for Cole Brown as the voice of Dr. Frog. So don't go thinking it's impossible when several other examples prove otherwise. -
In celebration of both Christmas and the new Geass anime.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Just as the Chain Deatmatch had been a difficult battle for the many knights who pursued it in Medieval times, the specific match between Jonathan and Tarukus proves the most difficult fight the young man has faced with his Hamon abilities yet. To help aid our protagonist to victory, Zeppeli enters the fray, but does so knowing that as far as his teacher in the ways of Hamon is concerned, this interference will lead him to meet his maker. Of the three men involved in this Chain Deathmatch, which one will come out alive? Meanwhile, also broadcast from the Vindication Starship, Gohan has to find a way to stop Cell from destroying Earth and the rest of the Solar System along with it, Tekkadan arrives in Edmonton but find themselves met with an even larger Gjallarhorn blockade keeping them from the election hall, Gon attempts to find a way around his first match on the 200th floor, Jiraiya is still dead (I only say this because the actual plot is both spoilers and bullshit), the Straw Hats minus Luffy find themselves at greater odds against Oars than they ever dared to imagine, and apparently there's monsters living in Saitama's wasteland of a hometown. 12:00 - Dragonball Z Kai #96 - Combine Your Strength! The Final Kamehame-ha! - TV-PGLV 12:30 - JoJo's Bizarre Adventure #7 - Sorrowful Successor - TV-MAV (broadcast), TV-MA (personal) 1:00 - Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans #24 - A Future Reward - TV-14LV 1:30 - Hunter x Hunter #30 - Fierce and Ferocious - TV-14V 2:00 - Naruto Shippuden #137 - Amaterasu! - TV-14V 2:30 - One Piece #371 - The Straw Hat Crew Gets Wiped Out! The Shadow-Shadow's Powers in Full Swing! - TV-PGL 3:00 - One Punch Man #6 - The Terrifying City - TV-14LV -
Dragonball Super english dub clip relesed
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Hence why it's more likely for Buu Kai to come to Toonami than Super. I bet you anything some station nabs Super before Toonami gets to it, or it's too expensive for Toonami to air. -
Dragonball Super english dub clip relesed
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
TV-Y7FV for episode 1. -
Dragonball Z Abridged 56 Infinite Stratos 2 9 Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 4
Rewatched Guyver: The Bioboosted Armor 3 Rewatched Dragonball Z Abridged 55 [fuck you catmuto]
I'd post the link to its Gelbooru page, but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to link there. Plus I can't find it anywhere else. [also that gif takes me back]
Because this thread needs more than just fanservice.
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
GOOD NEWS: Gundam Unicorn is replacing IBO in January. May make no sense to those who haven't seen the original Gundam and its sequels, but it's got more action from what I hear, so hopefully it does better in the ratings. BAD NEWS: Blackbeard and Jaguar D. Saul's voice actor just passed away. R.I.P. Cole Brown. [dereshishishi] -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
That you do. MasqueradeOverture[/member] I'm honestly not sure if that's directed at him or me. -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Semi-unrelated, but is it necessary to include an exclamation point in every one of your posts? -
Dragonball Super english dub clip relesed
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Toonami's not so much about what the viewing audience wants as it is about what Demarco wants, at least part of the time. Why else would we be getting Gundam Unicorn when IBO hasn't been doing all that hot? I'm pretty certain Demarco will pick Kai Buu over Super for no other reason than it only makes sense. That and Super's probably being shopped around to kids stations first. -
Dragonball Super english dub clip relesed
PokeNirvash replied to mochi's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
No. I'm confident that the Buu Saga will air next year. If not, then eventually. So don't go assuming we're gonna be skipping it. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
How do you know that.? ??? -
Toonami General Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to ben0119's topic in Episode Discussion Archive
Not sure what good airing two JoJos in one night will do, but it should be fun regardless. -
Toonami Pre-Flight Discussion Thread
PokeNirvash replied to OwlChemist81's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
TOM 4 not looking as unsettling as his CGI counterpart and "Weiner time!" were the only decent parts of the comic. The rest of it was for the most part forgettable. -
The Toonami Ratings Thread 1.0 :You are on a new board
PokeNirvash replied to StarPanda's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
Gundam Unicorn on Toonami this January... discuss.
PokeNirvash replied to Blatch's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I picked Mob Psycho too. -
Trunks Thread 19.1: A New New Frontier
PokeNirvash replied to PokeNirvash's topic in Toonami & [adult swim]
I figured as much. I only brought that up because I've seen plenty of complaints about Death Note's second OP. But yeah, Maximum the Hormone is fun. Loved ROLLING1000tOON; so much so, that I watched Air Master because of it. [hanaji soku break!]