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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. Does this mean Naz is Lust and Kevin is Envy?
  2. That's not an ass, that's a dog! You thought you could fool me, but I know my animals.
  3. It's this one.
  4. Aw shit. I knew this day would come.
  5. Edit Profile only gives me the options to provide my birthday, enable status updates, and has a Personal Information box in which I've put a gif of Batman suplexing an alligator.
  6. To be fair, I wouldn't be that great a supervillain. Like, where you're looking for The Joker, Lex Luthor, Magneto, etc., I'm like Kraven the Hunter.
  7. ...I fapped angrily?
  8. "Kittens" is not on here, so it's a faulty list. Kittens would be my currency and secret weapon, as anyone who infiltrated my lair would immediately surrounded by kittens and would be beaten into submission by their adorableness, and thus I could carry out my evil plan of petting all the kittens.
  9. I fapped.
  10. I mean I'm totally down to know how to get those too.
  11. Just like The Dude. I can dig it.
  12. When people call me fat, it's because I'm actually fat.
  13. "Weirdly meaningful" is how I live my life.
  14. How does one get a title?
  15. Twatmongler is one I've said in the recent past. But profanity always depends on how you're using it. Like, whenever it's just a sudden thing, like stubbing my toe, shit and fuck always come to my mouth first. But if I'm insulting someone, I'll go with things like Johnny Pisspants, Jimmy Cockswallow, or some other combination of a name and random term.
  16. Mom's Spaghetti is one of the greatest songs ever.
  17. Mom says I can't talk to you anymore because you're too bad. And that's why I'm totz gonna hang out with you in secret now.
  18. Do you also listen to music with swears?
  19. I should start doing that "libertarian tip" thing and say "this isn't a tip, it's a non-taxable gift."
  21. Right? You should see the 2015 update starring Captain Jack Sparrow.
  22. Nope. I try to tip between 20% and 30% in general since wait staff gets fucked by wage laws.
  23. If you're good enough at it you'll finish before "Simple and Clean" is done playing.
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