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Dudeist Priest
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Everything posted by GuyBeardmane

  1. This is a very 90s song. Top Ten, maybe even Top Five.
  2. Not sticking a camera up there again. Not after last time.
  3. My outside, clearly. No one wants to see pictures of the interior of my colon.
  5. I would put this song in the Top Ten list of most 90s songs, but it's not number one.
  6. Ace of Base is definitively 90s. Their catalogue serves as a soundtrack of the 90s. However their music is still incredibly enjoyable and it's easy to dance to, so much like "Another Night" above it finds itself being easily smooshed between other songs in the club without dramatically changing the mood.
  7. See, with this song, we actually get closer to a millennium feel. It falls in with the boy band era.
  8. This song is exceptionally 90s, but it's also club-kitsch. It could easily be sandwiched between other songs in a club and people wouldn't really notice the difference.
  9. Irony. This is a great song, probably my favorite Pumpkins song, but it doesn't scream "Hey, listen, I'm the 1990s encapsulated in three and a half minutes."
  10. See, this song is rad af and I love it, but it's a timeless song. This song would work in every decade from the 80s to now.
  11. It's a good song, and it's pretty 90s, but it's not the most 90s. Like, this song is entertaining but it doesn't make me go "oh hey, this song is hella 90s."
  12. There are many better songs from the 90s, but there is no song that is more 90s than "Two Princes."
  13. Wait, so this jean jacket has a scorpion on it? FUCKING LIT I WANT IT.
  14. Whores are like vampires. Once they're invited in, they can materialize inside your house at anytime.
  15. I wish I had a jean jacket.
  16. hothothothothothothothothot
  17. I'm a sucker for a lady when she calls me "50 feet, mother fucker."
  18. Put it on a chain and wear it as jewelry or use it as a weapon.
  19. AAAUUUUGhhhhh Sorry, I've just never been told to shoot sperm like that. I've discovered something new about myself.
  20. I get that from my mom, but the opposite. "I need a grandbaby" "You have four, mom." "Well one that'll carry on the family name." "Your oldest granddaughter has our last name." "But I want you to give me grandkids." "No, I can't afford it and there's no one in my life I wanna knock up."
  21. I'm sorry. But at the same time that means there's only ONE uncle you have to avoid at family gatherings.
  22. That's Uncle Grabby Hands. Drunkle is a completely different uncle.
  23. Oughta try eating five dozen eggs a day.
  24. He was a sk8er boi.
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