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Everything posted by Elle_Eccentric

  1. It’s just words hon. Obviously you’re a big tough man so just shrug and walk on. Sorry. I’m forever the peace keeper.
  2. Easy there killer.
  3. Oh sandy you beeeetch
  4. You walnut. i failed.
  5. That’s an odd pet name for the vagina. ?
  6. No I know that. You weren’t the one that called me two-faced. I didn’t mean sound like I was getting onto you. Just ranting.
  8. That night they did lol it was like the day after we got them fixed I think. Poor babies.
  9. Take me with you. can’t sleep need to sleep. SLEEP NOW. Now. How bout now!?
  10. I sent like 3 pm’s to sandy and it said it was full. What the shit.
  11. I thought you were going to end that with “I’m going to have an episode.” And I started giggling WHEN I SHOULD BE SLEEPING.
  12. All I have are these drama queens. No cats. Not that I wouldn’t love to have one.
  13. Oh yeah forgot to mention. They are gonna be a thing again.
  14. I’ve seen the prices range from $9.99 to $23.99. Im just sitting here waiting for Polly Pockets to come back.
  15. I won’t. Scouts honor. Just 3 surprises and one predictable expectation. The love outways the hate always. But my happy ass is getting up at 5am so goodnight!
  16. I’m glad everyone knows so much about my personality. Now I know what being put under a microscope feels like. Funny thing is I’ve only heard this online and never from any of my friends or family and trust me we have a brutally honest family. I know I’m a bitch but Two Faced, now that’s a new one.
  17. Yay! Wait. Feel? As in Uncle Touchy’s Naked Castle in the attic?
  18. That’s too bad. I got really into it with Mike and we just work farm and build and basically do as many quests as we can. I’m banking on it right now.
  19. Life happened. A lot of it. I always wanted the boards back and this place is close enough!
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