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Everything posted by Elle_Eccentric

  1. I’m sorry. No relationships shouldn’t be temporary. But they end, marriages end. We just need to move on and find out what makes us happy.
  2. Also he never stopped loving me.
  3. Things weren’t good for a solid year. Then he became my best friend. No one could understand our relationship “you’re best friends with you ex? Why don’t you just get back together.” I heard that a lot.
  4. You seem pretty content
  5. Divorced again since last year, but I wouldn’t say I’m single. It’s complicated. I’m not sure how people will handle me takin back Mike, without hearing the entire long as hell story. I’d have to write a memoir.
  6. Haha I don’t do that. I’m not an actress, I just say what I feel like saying in that moment. I don’t think I can talk to cameras.
  7. No don’t feel bad. Shit happens. Plus I’m very happy.
  8. I often cover up my insecurities with humor.
  9. I have not yet begun to get mouthy. I have Jim tonight. lol bye Felicia
  10. You don’t have to continue we already feel sorry for you. Take a xanax sweetie and change for the better.
  11. Maybe on marriages and how they can easily become divorces. Had a lot of experience with that subject. God that was depressing.
  12. I can and have! What’s more nerve wracking is the singing part to that. You get the shakes but you power through.
  13. Pfffffrrrbbbbbb
  14. Way to go Sandy, way to go!!
  15. You know that’s exactly what Odin would tell me.
  16. Of course and you are too sweet
  17. Apparently Went into a vape shop today to get juice and a new coil (we get it you vape). Started visiting with the girl working there, sharing some laughs, taste testing, energy drink induced talking. LOL so I guess the guy behind the counter was listening and let me know that he “loved my enthusiasm.” and if I had ever thought of being a motivational speaker. Which was a nice way of telling me I was tedious and hyper.
  18. Did I make it or did you?
  19. Because she’s a theater kid. She’s annoyingly perfect. What’s wrong with her is no one can find anything wrong with her and that angers people. I bawled like a baby during that scene in Les Miserables
  20. Deathy we definitely need to see your cute face as an icon.
  21. I just remembered I made you that icon years ago. And you still have it. *wipes tear*
  22. Good. I just had that scene play out where Titus is singing Firework to Kimmy. I don’t know why but we got on the subject of glitter and becoming a mod so
  23. BEEEEETCH I want the glitter. Do you watch The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt?
  24. Take the gun leave the canolli
  25. They need you in the “We need” post
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