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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. Hope you like a man whose only land property is a Harry Potter-ish Dursley residence 10 x 12 foot bedroom.where you literally have to jump over book and crumpled paper clutter stacks just to get to the bed, which is covered in BOOK LITTER! AHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAH! Man of your dreams, right here., Seriously. Not. Picture living with me in a bedroom THIS SMALL, except the entire flor is littered and cluttered almost entirely covered with J.M. Matthews original artwork and paperbacks.
  2. I paused it to write this post. Balls deep.
  3. Stay clear sexy girls. You don't want to meet MY family..
  4. Kidding. How in the hell am I gonna sleep with someone. I live in a house with 7 family members. It's the frigging Loud House up in this bitch. You really don't want a piece of this unless you like screaming adult and child brats.
  5. What are you talking about? I got my privacy back MONTHS ago.
  6. I'm still single. yep. That's not my five-year-old daughter that lives in the background of my house with me, dammit! It' my 5-year-old NIECE. There's a difference.
  7. The Ancient Magus's Bride episode 2
  8. Shouldn't this thread be called "What anime DID you just watch"? If you're posting here, unless you're looking at popup windows, you're not actually watching any anime, are you. You're posting here. Stop lyin' people. What anime did you WATCH today,not what are you watching. That's disruptive and irksome to me because it's a contradictory statement.
  10. KissCartoon.es Like Kiss Anime, but with, you know, TOONZ!!!! Megas XLR ep. 1
  11. I do love me some El Rey Network kung fu Cheng Cheh Shaw movies.
  12. YAWN! This is too hollywood. I'm goin to start adding anime trailers so were not all bored to death. And maybe some lesbo porn.
  13. There's cum in my profile! Oh noooooos.

  14. Axe Cop S1 E1, Night Mission High School USA S1 E1, Bullies
  15. Found it! No thanks to you guys u bunch of whiney ass witch hunting c*ntfaces
  16. Does this mean I can't retweet peewee herman anymore?
  17. Okay, I'll ask NICER. What is the thread's Title?
  18. Off my back, people! see it. Links or it's bullshit.
  19. Where. I'd like to see it. Links or it's bullshit.
  20. Axe Cop S1 E1, Night Mission High School USA S1 E1, Bullies
  21. I have so many streaming digital Roku anime episodes I can watch on my TV now. literally thousands of episodes! Where to begin....
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