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J.M. Matthews

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Everything posted by J.M. Matthews

  1. He threatened me at some point, which is why I punished him so badly....
  2. I got my new Roku Streaming Stick yesterday. that I bought for $50... I got Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Plex, Livestream, Funimation Now, Crunchyroll, DirectTV, Cartoon Network, Starz, History Channel, AMC, CW Seed, and Amazon Prime
  3. Roku Pokemon: S14, Ep1-3 The Shadow of Zekrom! I slept through em. But yes, the TV WAS RUNNING! LOL
  4. Here's an excerpt I made on YouTube for Manifesto
  5. Okay. thanks man! I'll buy your album, too. Just got to wait till I get my birthday money on my credit. MODS!!! PLEASE FIX MY NOTIFICATION. How do I get notified when someone writes Spindack? Not just when someone responds? damn.
  6. Journals: Vol. 1 - 4 Number 1 got blocked because they thought my writing was plagiarized from another writer. That "other writer" was me, when in fact it was just the Amazon altgorithm scanning my Scribd and Blogger accounts. lmfao. Stupid Amazon. Journals: Volume 2 Journals: Volume 3 Journals: Volume 4 It's just me talking and freestyling in writing for 4,000 pages And if you like Philosophy and Comics, you should pick up some of my other Kindle Work.. Philosophical Essays End Times: The Anthology Read the text itself in Journals 1-4. Doesn't it have a flow to the words in a kind of rhthmic way? That's because I talk like I write. I have a flow to my speech and words. Though it doesn't rhyme. It's stream of consciousness. All my private thoughts are revealed. I didn't just want to be the "cool author" I wanted to be the "Scientific Literary Author" don't listen to Good Reads. They're trolls. I guarantee you won't regret buying any of these books. That's why I published them. For you to enjoy! I used ASMB and DeviantArt a LOT when I was writing my books. It's like the kind and friendly version of a tell all book. Don't think I left you guys out of my work. They're also available in hardcover print editions through lulu (those editions are more expensive, but if you want a book of mine to hold in your actual hands, they're worth the money. I've bought all of them. it was worth the price. It's for literary collectors, not so much casual fans http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/jmmatthews 600 - 700 page hardcover print books (warning! Expensive! Not $2.99 http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-alberts/manifesto-volume-i/hardcover/product-23248846.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-m-alberts/manifesto-volume-ii/hardcover/product-23248793.html Too Expensive for you? Here's some $30 400 pg. hardcovers: http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-alberts/journals-volume-i/hardcover/product-23104604.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-alberts/journals-volume-ii/hardcover/product-21355415.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-alberts/journals-volume-iii/hardcover/product-21355404.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-alberts/journals-volume-iv/hardcover/product-21355347.html http://www.lulu.com/shop/joseph-m-alberts/journals-volume-v/hardcover/product-23248686.html If you have exta cash, I recommend the hardcovers.I still read those to this day. It's an amazing read. And I don't say that just because it's me writing it.
  7. No no no. It's not that one, though you should buy that one at bookstores too. the "lyricism" is my Journals. I kind of sound like a hip hop emcee, in paragraphical book form. If you like lyricism and lyricists, you'll dig it. Hold on, I'll get the URL..
  8. Superkatieboots likes this video. Probably because she looks just like Winry. WE ALL miss Winry, Katie!
  9. Oh man, One Punch Man (manga) and Hero Academia (Funi) go by in a breeze. What fun franchises! I love em.
  10. Oh man, this board is SCHOOLING YOU! How does it feel, cuz?
  11. I kind of was. APRIL FOOOOOOOOOOOLS. Don't say I didn't learn anything from Bellamy and Zeni. like homophobia and antisemitism. lulz.
  12. No, I'm my backyard WIFI. tee hee. Which needs to die.
  13. I disagree. Diapers in general are gross if you don't have kids. Diapers collect SHIT. That's naaasty. And even if you HAVE kids, they're stank nasty. That's why I don't HAVE kids. Kids are nasty.
  14. No, I think he/she just thinks it's gross. A non-deceptive response, Surprise surprise.
  15. Wow. people watched that?? Cool. I'm never really sure if I'm being acknowledge or noticed by anyone or not, I have noreplyism. It's an obscure disease lol. Yeah I wanted to get the word out. Getting paid to tweet is something I've been lobbying in my tweets for, for 4 EVER!
  16. That's a tight track I plugged from you, bro. Nice work. Overall it could be a single. At least I think so. I can't really rap. But I write books of lyricism, kind of like Beastie boys. Read my Journal books.They're published. You'll know what I mean.
  17. J.M. Matthews for chrissake Oh, you people really HAVEN'T Heard of me. I thought you were just being sarcastic to mock me like all the rest.... But, yes, I am technically a public figure now. And a pro.Just google my author name, J.M. Matthews. Is it really so hard to Google people you meet online?
  18. But I do like your nerdcore stuff... https://professahtex.bandcamp.com/track/know-what-im-saiyan-super-saiyan-blue
  19. No. I just don't want to piss off Danielle. It's a prank, so I guess I could have asked her first, but then it wouldn't be an avatar prank.
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