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Everything posted by Jman

  1. NFT’s are still a thing? I thought the entire market was declared worthless a few months ago.
  2. It’s enough to make a man resign in disgrace. Which I think is the idea.
  3. Is everyone hoping his heart gives out before 2028? Because the CPAC crew is serious.
  4. The Post is saying this? Now we get to see who really has Trump’s ear.
  5. Can’t keep the Bebop crew down. Even after an awful live action show.
  6. If Lazarus kills Toonami Watanabe gets pegged as a one hit wonder for the rest of his life.
  7. Finished Ippo Rising. Netflix, you know what must be done.
  8. She didn't want to generate sympathy for Adams and just have him be voted back in under an R anyway, so I get it. I'd rather he be out on his ass, but I get it.
  9. Fucking with defense is a mistake they’ll regret. It’s the one sector with enough power to really influence things.
  10. The day Murdoch dies and his liberal kids pop the bubble (now that the court ruled they would have majority ownership over the one conservative kid) is going to be the biggest shell shock in media history.
  11. Make America the 80s again. This is definitely going to court.
  12. https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/street-fighter-finds-its-director-1236140934/ Well this is less than a year removed from the Emmy.
  13. He’s trying to appeal to his new base once he’s out on his ass.
  14. https://futurism.com/tesla-employees-musk-fears Tesla executives have been begging Elon to sell the company. Apparently he’s not only no longer involved in their day to day operations, just the association has tanked their business. I presume if he did resign they would probably be seeking a full relaunch and rebrand.
  15. Kinnikuman Perfect Origin 6 Sakamoto Days 6 Ippo Rising 17-20
  16. At this point I’m more convinced Toonami as a block is winding down, and that they hope to gracefully sign off by year’s end, with the occasional action based original folded into Adult Swim proper. Without a Mike Lazzo telling the original creators to bring the funny or fuck off back to the darkest corners of Kickstarter, there’s still plenty of original creators who will make action and drama shows.
  17. Does my bench press count if it was done on a functional trainer and not the old fashioned bench and barbell? I mean it was solid weight, 320lbs, and I feel it, but it’s probably easier than the barbell bench.
  18. His ass is getting fired.
  19. My guess is they’re going to re-hire and pay them extra to shut up, since it’s only about the initial look, not what happens afterwards.
  20. That feeling when you’re torn between hating the assclowns running the country and cheering the US hockey team for scoring on Canada. Keep in mind this was supposed to be their All Star Week events and both teams went at it.
  21. The USA vs Canada hockey game started with Canada (rightfully) booing the US national anthem. Then three fights broke out between the American and Canadian teams in the first ten seconds.
  22. I get WHY DeMarco and friends hated the show, and the breakup video was hilarious, but I still don’t think it was as bad as its reputation was. What would be hilarious is if it got replaced with Ronin Warriors. Did they ever dub the OVA’s?
  23. https://fuelarc.com/evs/its-official-the-cybertruck-is-more-explosive-than-the-ford-pinto/?ref=thefuturist A Cybertruck is easier to blow up than a Ford Pinto, the poster child for unsafe cars.
  24. The Times is reporting that most of NYC is supporting Hochul tossing Adams on his ass, but she wants to make sure he can’t play the victim card.
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