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Everything posted by Daos

  1. To be fair, a few weeks ago I did say Toonami should be canceled after they picked up Super. I mean, I just haven't heard anything good about it. And the highlights which are supposedly the fights... are poorly animated. I always liked DBZ but I really have zero interest in watching this blatant cash grab. I'm not expecting anything better out of the new Gundam series either. Oh and is HxH actually getting edged out by Naruto? Hah.
  2. I don't remember Inuyasha killing any humans or doing anything super bad, but it's been a while. I mean maybe some bandits now and then? But I don't recall any unprovoked murders.
  3. If you're using DBZ as an example you probably shouldn't. It's also horribly written and illogical. But it's entertaining so I'm a lot more forgiving. Look, a lot of you guys are the same people that watch IBO and think it's interesting and exciting with great characters. So some of you will pretty much just watch anything.
  4. Do you ever get tired of being wrong? "However, duress is not a complete defense to all crimes. For example, the general rule, both at common law and today, is that duress is never a defense to murder; that is, one is never justified in killing another innocent person even if one's own life has been threatened, although this part may be questioned when multiple people are threatened with death if the defendant does not kill a single or fewer people than threatened "
  5. Lol I'm gonna use that as a defense if I ever kill someone. I was manipulated into killing the old man! Manipulated I say! The show is poorly written, poorly paced, and just plain illogical. It's funny seeing you guys try to stretch logic to make it seem otherwise. I mean it's not as bad as IBO because the characters are actually pretty good.... but it's mediocre at best. Toss me a plot arc where there's some actual plot and something interesting happens and I'll watch.
  6. Perfects it into what? Bad writing? Failure at world building? Hey remember when Killua murdered that old man for no reason and there were no consequences and no one even talks about it? What is the plot again, Gon wants to find his father or something? Hey isn't it weird how the Hunter Org basically has complete power and can do whatever they want whenever they want? Maybe the show should explain that? It's been a while since I've seen a show that was mediocre hypnotize so many people into thinking it's some sort of amazing achievement in anime history. I would gladly watch every Inuyasha filler episode back to back rather than watch HxH.
  7. You don't get it man, the show is TOO GOOD to need a plot.
  8. Your favorite anime is Eureka 7. Your opinion means nothing.
  9. It's not subtle about being boring and terrible.
  10. Why am I not watching Re zero and Mob Psycho? Instead I'm watching HxH and Gundam? EH?? It's almost like they're trying to make Toonami as shitty as possible.
  11. Nope if DW and IBO didn't get canceled HxH never will be.
  12. I feel like they developed some really good characters and then... forgot to have an actual plot or ya know..... ... a show. Don't worry guys I hear it gets good 75 eps in.
  13. Remember when I said this show is like 5 minutes of fighting then a 25 minute explanation of the move they just did? Lolz. I've never seen a show where nothing happens for 40 episodes. This is a first for me.
  14. I found the anime to be watchable but forgettable. Can't believe it got a second season.
  15. If you think that's fanservice you should see the freezing OVA's
  16. It's as unwatchable as IBO. There's just a lot of people that will watch anything with a mech in it.
  17. It was almost as bad as Eureka 7
  18. Lets all agree that Dimension W is the worst thing they ever aired.
  19. I love tenchi muyo but holy shit the art looks awful. What's the deal?
  20. I've got to hand it to them, they're doing everything they can to make the block unwatchable.
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