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Everything posted by -Ninja_Jesus-

  1. Happy birthday!
  2. Thanks! That looks like it. Unless there’s an identical more poisonous version.
  3. What the fuck is up with this guy? There are a few in my yard. Safe to eat? Safe to trip? Safe for animals? Is it cordyceps? (I know it’s not cordyceps)
  4. It’ll be more beautiful once we get to the parking lot 😡
  5. The entire climax of the show of Ace proving it would never have made it to theaters.
  6. Lois Einhorn. Einhorn being German for “unicorn”, referring to the fact that she’s a trans woman. Ha ha, funny stuff. 😐
  7. Adultery is easily and frequently villainized, and while it’s definitely bad, no one wants to think about the deeper questions about why adultery happens in a relationship.
  8. With Chris’ history of doing just that, I wouldn’t be surprised that he was aiming for this dog as well. Never seen Good Hair, but I’ve heard that movie being levied against him.
  9. Bro, it was a bald joke, recontextualizing it as anything other than a bald joke is pretty foolish. It would’ve been a good joke, if GI Jane was in any way relevant.
  10. Now I’m into them, but only if they have some kind of supernatural or sci-fi theme. Sweet Home was good if a bit repetitive musically (one can only listen to so much Imagine Dragons), The Silent Sea was great, Squid Game was excellent, and School Nurse Files was cute. Black and A Korean Odyssey I’m still on the fence about.
  11. I miss Borders, I played a concert in one.
  12. Your loss.
  13. There are plenty of good K-Dramas on Netflix.
  14. But maybe I shouldn’t go “did someone say Boys’ Love section?!” while walking up to them. They silently walked away. 😭
  15. All this and still animation gets no respect at the Oscars.
  16. Not even close, babyyyyy
  17. Not in Hawaii. Milk jugs cost 5-6 dollars a gallon.
  18. IMO, Will had moral justification. I would’ve done the same thing if my wife had an illness and someone made fun of it and her. Ethically, he shouldn’t have hit him. The yelling and possibly going up to verbally defend his wife’s honor would’ve sufficed, but even that would’ve been torn apart. Furthermore, I absolutely hate these “Will Smith is a cuck” jokes. They’re married, in a true committed relationship, and that means having your spouse’s back no matter what, especially if the both of them worked past the cheating incident. That’s what it means to be a husband.
  19. I can’t access it.
  20. Chris Chan is such a tragedy. Terrible home life plus terrible internet environment. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that the internet created her, but the internet fueled the fire.
  21. How I can make more money.
  22. It’s literally the only RT IP I care about remotely anymore. I stopped watching the show after season 4, and I feel like I got off at the right time. I hope this show does well.
  23. How are you guys doing? It’s very late. Go to bed! 😡
  24. Bro, how have you been eating li hing mui? Like it’s a powder, you can put it on stuff, usually it’s on dried plum but it can be on any candy. Li hing mui gummy bears are excellent.
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