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Everything posted by death_by_motorboat

  1. the whole thing was kind of one big accident so thats a valid description. i was going to freehand a quick livable cover up and the gun slipped and put a line where i didnt want it and it quickly became an emergency to think of something
  2. @Derrick Foreal its 9:23:53, do you know where your exwife is? i covered up her name my self with this stupid geometrical symmetry. i had an appointment this morning for a tat and it got cancelled. so im figuring out what to do.... any ideas
  3. oh i thought you said you got mad and wrote a nasty email
  4. nope. play it cool. calm down. ask yourself the intention behind what you did and how you tried to do the right thing and just explain it to them. youll have to bare your soul to them and be very apologetic.
  5. @KN a community outreach folder for exchanging social data
  6. i just decided to pretend im your therapist instead. stagnation doesnt mean you stopped growing and the boredom will force you to learn to enjoy yourself. parts of life are more basic or instinctual. you have put focus on things keeping you believing what the you you need to be right now needs to believe. its only self preservation. you associated happiness in these behaviors and reward yourself because you seek affirmation in your decisions and your quest for happiness has brought you to your own specifics lengths it takes to achieve that satisfaction just like every other human being. its pure instinct that we put some desires before some of our responsibilities. plus addiction is a genetic predisposition and is only as important as a cold when it acts up. just dont drive fucked up.
  7. what are you guys talking about? it says "Redrum."
  8. are you a madonna fan? this kid i loved loved madonna because people hate madonna. its funny to like her because people hate her.
  9. you could declare the universe is a certain way, and you see it with a righteous eye, if you could say you were zen, or going to be saved by jesus, or waiting for a messiah, or witnessing evolution..., if you were to say that you practice values of a deeper level in everyday life, without exhibiting the kind of meditation or worship of the universe it takes to regard those morals, does it become a common occurrence to say we are better than we really are in life? or are we supposed to be ok with that kind of cliche? is it okay to be fucked up but in-tune? or, are we required to transcend into a godly reality of our mortal being? maybe it doesnt matter who is righteous, or maybe we already are righteous. but if it was as easy as materialistic statements, like wearing a crucifix, or owning a Buddha statue, life sure would be easy to achieve zen.
  10. ive never seen a real squirt, protruding to an external burst... but i have fucked a woman sensual enough for her to have big gushes of liquid in her vulva on my dick while i was fucking her. those wet vaginal gushes... if its during rough or controlling sex.... are like craving addiction or pure adrenaline. i love ass. i can just sleep on a nice curvy ass and im set. asses are so fine. im turned on by women that are naughty, and want dirty, degrading sex (like public or in unusual situations). im turned on by women that have confidence and seem secure as a woman sexually, personality-wise, intelligent, its nice if they have priorities. i like light brown hair, soft skin, kisses and hugs, curves and feminine prowess.
  11. well theres more than one way to eat a whopper. but people that dont eat the cherry tomatoes on a house salad are testing my will.
  12. tomatoes are a healthy fruit snack and great source of vitamin rich juices.
  13. when the other one goes after the chase? honestly, i usually already have my bait out.
  14. my mom is taking a second sick day this week, to go sit with her 200 miles from here, where the surgery was to see if shes released tomorrow. i said why would you be prepared to stay there another day??? because saying she might not be released is the same thing as saying youd possibly be there another day.... i would wait till they were discharging her and let them call me, but she wants to be there for her dad because hes been following and helping her at both hospitals since saturday.
  15. another good thing im noticing is that this platform, called VK and the app that followed, Telegram, have always been som kind of resistence to facebook. facebook is international, every Russian had access to facebook and the messenger apps by their affiliates, if facebook wants people using any messenger at all it wants them using theirs, and the professional and social platform something like facebook or VK have is enormous. we're not talking a few social networking accounts and a few ads and groups. we're talking control of the largest if not all social media information and private data available on the web. so these competitors to facebook are a blessing in themselves
  16. thats is the most unsightly thing. id rather see 20 condoms full of sand
  17. im just trying to put it in media perspective that im used to like CBS or CNN. i am going to watch the video again
  18. CNN and CBS mention almost all of the time in an arena of public knowledge, all of the possible avenues that the politician or government or issue or whatever, in question would cover, to arrive at their conclusion- in this case that Russia "wanted" to stop VK and Telegram for ulterior motives. thats unlikely at first glance, but if a govt party was reaching too much of a demographic with solicitations or it became a competitive market, or some kind of recruiting for terrorists or high level surveillance firms were stalking Russia, because they want the best take menu for downtown Moscow, but see your entire friends lists calendar, schedule, contacts, and limited private stuff that can be hacked, creating a haven of resources for criminals or worse, it could be shut down for ethical practices. it could be national security. an easy way to tell would be to continue using emails, and other messenger services the same way and see if they go uninterrupted.
  19. broke her wrist, and needed surgery. then had some kind of panic attack that was accompanied with violent psychotic delusions and they wont let her leave the hospital. i find out from my mom, she has been extremely mean, and violent to my grandfather since always, and i just somehow never knew. apparently she has a history of violent psychosis, she fights with him when hes driving, she has tried to get out of the moving vehicle, she degrades him and makes up stories and invents reasons to fight with him, and he is sitting there by her bedside like a confused dog. you all know what i think of abusive women im just sayin. well too bad for grandpa
  20. i wonder what they are protecting the russians from that america didnt feel was all that necessary with fb it could be political and economic influences, outside govt interference, criminals preying on the russian people, spys, bots, or terrorists.
  21. thats how we always find out we were wrong. we fucking believed ourselves. we're such liars.
  22. *sends you a bunch of jacked credit cards and necessities* *changes identities* *disappears*
  23. remember that icon of him with the girl pointing at something and she was like upset?
  24. i believe in believing that if some of us were believing each other i believe we would believe to believe ourselves.
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