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Everything posted by Cau

  1. Doing laundry, eating pizza, chillin' to music.
  2. What are you, some kind of narc?
  3. Let's eat hamburgers together.
  4. I voted for @Raptorpat
  5. Cau

    Missing them

  6. Baby, I don't think about you at all.
  7. Our king and queen of course
  8. IDK R U?
  9. reeses cups kit kats dots laffy taffy milk duds
  10. Sure feels like it most of the time.
  11. I'm moving too. TO HELL
  12. Cute
  13. Yes, dear. 😭
  14. What have I done
  15. So are you two gonna get married or what
  16. He would never
  17. By a show of reacts how many people want me to pee all over poof?
  18. I saw this coming.
  19. ty i made it myself
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