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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. I barely noticed that said balls, and not bells. Well played.
  2. I wont if you don't make me. I took a nap at around 4 because I didn't sleep last night though. It was more of I can't take this shit anymore kind of a thing though I think. Because I still feel tired and distraught.
  3. I can see it now. That's a great song.
  4. good point.
  5. or cow bells?
  6. well damn. usually it's a pretty good feeling to be done with something you were only holding on to because of a little extra cash, I've been in the same boat only the manager got chewed out by her boss for firing me because even if I didn't kiss customer ass, and I did all the same shit you were doing and more; I got shit done. She had to call me and offer me my job back. It was so hard not to be a complete dick to her on the phone after she told me that, but I tried to be semi-professional and just said something like "nope, too bad too sad" That was a great feeling.
  7. Wow it is REALLY bad that when you said the word engaged I thought you meant like engaged in battle or something.. congrats.
  8. I feel shitty to. I think I may have had some sort of bipolar episode that kept me up all night thinking about dumb shit, and getting overly emotional. Feels like I've been straight bitchin' out all day. I did some work, but the same thing kept happening and I decided it was best to just go home early instead of trying to about my work day with an egg shell skull or something.
  9. dang it i can't see. I wanna see it.
  10. use imgur. https://imgur.com/
  11. There's a lot of good stuff here maybe I'll look into it tomorrow. I think my paypals linked to it already which is already a good start.You can't set the price of stuff below .50 cents or I probably would've done that too.
  12. The display art for stuff can't be smaller than 1400X1400 pixels.
  13. Oh shit it is free. I didn't know this. https://bandcamp.com/artists
  14. I tried a free subscription to bandoogle which is a simular, but maybe less popular platform I'm not even sure. I've thought about getting a subscription to soundcloud multiple times, but then they took away the ability to post to music groups, and started getting really tight with their priveledges on free accounts and making things that used to be free cost money.. Bandcamp doesn't allow you any free space or promotional tools either I believe. Though I know alot of musicians that have an account so.. >_>
  15. I need to find another platform to post on. I want to do youtube, but I wanted to wait until I had more money to actually make decent and watchable videos. I'd like to try other things like lets plays, reactions, and all that other jazz as well so.. I definitely don't feel ready to jump on that boat, who knows maybe getting started a little under- prepared and not knowing what to expect is the only way to get bigger..better. ecetera
  16. They've taken away almost all the priveledges for free accounts so most of the promotional tools that made me decide to upload to the site arent accessable to me. I have no way of even knowing if anybodies even seeing the shit let alone listening to it. and the share option doesn't give you the right code to embed a player on facebook anymore so my tracks just show up with a little soundcloud logo and a big image of the display pic that you can click and it'll redirect you to the song, but I can't get it to stream a song through facebook for the life of me. The struggle is real. |::
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