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Professah Tex

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Everything posted by Professah Tex

  1. dollar dollar bill yo.
  2. This website just did, but not youtube.. I chalked it up to something going on with the migration.
  3. I'm pretty sure I only passed a few classes trying to do college online because I was the only one that looked at shit from the teachers angle, and reached out to them if I had problems.. I had a very horrible experience being bad at math and trying to get my degree online while working full time. I passed everything I signed up for, but ended up not wanting to sign up for the last semester because of how shit went.. atleast it was paid for by my army tuition fund.. Also the degree required me to get actual manned pilot lessons and a license, and I had no help setting this up. no advisor would even help me with that really..
  4. Atleast 60% of the users on this website, which sadly doesn't equate to that many people.
  5. So you we're really attempting to troll people with that thread after all? Because if so I gotta say it was a pretty lame attempt. The only reason I said anything in your favor in that regards is I would expect anybody trolling on that or any topic to come up with some more cold-hearted shit to say than that. Seemed to me you we're only stating the obvious that when it comes to something as big as someones death you'd expect their fans to get all the facts before they start counting you out right away. Even in that CBS story it said he was being rushed to be put on life support, and all the information just came from the PD that found him. Also not every-body walks circles around the fact of death and has to refrane from talking about it in anything other than a somber melancholy tone. I could see myself saying the same thing sarcastically without any intent on hurting someones feelings. Ofcourse I would expect their to be people that would get their feelings hurt, but if those people arent mature enough to accept the statement for what it is as opposed to making someone elses death more about their own feelings than how they feel really isn't my concern. I don't know why I felt I had to type all that, but more importantly I hope your alright and not letting anything that happens here on this silly little forum add to the amount of stress you're most likely already facing dealing with your current situation in the real world.. |::
  6. I'm about to get to get to work, but I have a lot of small time producers in my youtube feed posting a bunch of "deep" sounding beats. Made me realize what made me want to make rap for myself. Some of the thoughtful, and brilliantly poetic rappers I've heard touch on all kinds of contraversal topics. I know of quite a few rappers all across the world who have made more profound and philosophical statements in their verses than any public speaker/politician/world leader. It seems like most of the UE members arent fans of rap; So I wonder if there's anyone else left here that's been touched by an mc's take on a controversal topic. Here's one with a message I'm sure a lot of people here can relate to.
  7. Meh I'm just blaming my moos on the wheather probably. My favorite days I gotta sat are completely overrcast days. No rain/drizzle Just a grey sky with maybe a bit of fog. thunderstorms and rain are great but they get old fast.
  8. I didn't sleep at all. mainly because I decided it'd be good to be about 3 hours early at least. There were 8 extra boxes besides the pre-ordered ones. They were all claimed before the store was officially opened of course. -_'
  9. no doubt.
  10. Looks good on ya.
  11. That post is only made more cute by it's many imperfections.
  12. Also I ended up getting a $20 wireless controller that is so fuckin... I only bought it because there was only 3 and this chick decided not to get it and ask me if I wanted it. In retroflection I can't believe I just paid for any of this. fuck it. yolo. :fap:
  13. I feel really accomplished. All that hassle for this little thing.
  14. I went back into the board pages and saw that his last post was something like: "I think it's time i got a jerb." to which my response was "Oh shit could it be?" ::spin::
  15. 8:00 a.m est? I wonder what the walmart here is doing. Probably the same thing if they even have it yet. It is 24/7 though.
  16. That's good to here. You are at walmart or target you said? When are they going to start selling them? Since I guess you're waiting in line with other people for it..
  17. I think the thread usually pops up about this time eh?
  18. Wow. I forgot the clerk I talked to said there would be a posting.. only 14 wow. I wouldn't think my local gamestop would have more.. At least I'm awake though. I feel like I should have a good chance.. I don;t think anyone really cares enough. like buddy and ric said most of this shit is very easy to find on emulator sites. It's hard for me to really give a fuck..
  19. You make me feel like I should run to gamestop now. I'm gonna take a nap, and show up a few hours before Gamestop opens.. If there are people outside waiting in this cold ass drizzle then good game. Saved me some money lol..
  20. I'm only going to try to buy it because it's cheap, an obviously a 'lame' publicity stunt from nintendos marketing peeps. I'll bite, just this once though.. Fuckers better come out with an actual new game that isn't god awful/played out soon.
  21. That's the only reason I'm even talking about this.. because I don't want to regret not buying it later and theres only a bunch of dick-head kneckbeards selling them at triple price. I mean I think that's why. Life will go on without much fuss if I never get one though believe me.
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