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Everything posted by PowerKing
Do you even know what caused these MEEs yourself? You're a pathetic, misanthropic, hypocritical coward who wouldn't take himself out of the equation even if it created an impossible Utopian paradise for every living thing on the planet and continued to do so until our Sun died out you wouldn't do it.
You know there have been several MEEs in this planet's history, right? Did man-made climate change kill all the dinosaurs?
Other animals aren't capable of causing the extinction of another species?
The butt stunt double thing is just the cherry on top all them sour grapes. She won a Oscar still can't smile FML what a miserable bitch.
Flatbutt McBigyuks.
I have similar feelings about Daoko's swift entry and exit into... Oh, fuck... Is it racist to say "Nip-ho..." Okay, no. If I have to ask the answer is probably yes. I have similar feelings about Daoko's swift entry and exit from the world of Japanese trip-hop/lo-fi/TeddyLoid/MEMEME whatever. But then I sit here and invest myself into the fake history of The Gorillaz like why am I discounting all these similar projects but sit there and throat Gorillaz dick like it's going out of style. If I think about it too much I legit start to have existential anxiety. So I'm just gonna stop here.
I trudged through them... All I can say is that they knew they could do a halfass job because only reason people was there was for the story. Kinda like now I'm seeing more and more clips from DBS: Broly and thinking "Damn this some funky ass CGI on a tiny screen. Looked alright in the theatre but wow." I mean, some of it looks straight up like watching someone play Heroez. Not as bad as BoG or RoF but still... And of course they probably gonna make an anime version to fill up the first "arc" of DBS Season 2. And you just sigh and hope the animation is a little more refined since they aren't on that retarded almost weekly production schedule. Here's hoping.
Post electronic music ITT.
PowerKing replied to Codename: Jackass's topic in Arts, Literature & Music
The entire performance is just sublime. And yes, I personally, head-canonically, classify Dan Deacon as "electronica". If you're one guy with just one instrument and a mixing board or just backing tracks I classify electronica. Buckethead, in my opinion, is a largely electronica touring act. Sometimes it's a jamband but it's usually just him, his giant meat hammer, and his backing tracks and he's riffing it tearing it up. Back on topic though holy crap this set from a few years ago is fucking beast though. I put this shit on at a blazeout and seen it get under several people like it got under me man. Or maybe we were all just really high and brushed it off in the morning but deep down we knew the truth that this is is mad fuego 🔥 🔥 🔥 pew pew pew right? You heard. You heard. Dawg you heard I know you heard. Woop Woop. Man. I would be... Maybe... A competent hypeman fore like... ICP? FML. -
I hear Alita isn't complete garbage. I'm not at all familiar with the source material, though. And in general am not very interested in watching it. Not in the theatre, anyhow. Maybe I'll catch it on TBS in six years or so.
Same can be said about a lot of live action anime projects. It's a blessing in disguise, in all honesty. Same way they keep crunching on about a Cowboy Bebop "Seaqsonal 2". Nah. Uh uh. I'll just de-head-canonize it even if you do. Don't do it. Just. Don't. Do. It. CB had a perfect "28" (am I doing that right? Two 2-parters plus a 90+ minute canonical feature so 26, minus 2, carry the... 3/4ish feature and......) episode run. It finished on a brilliant note. It's a masterpiece. The creative team, staff and industry itself have matured organically for more than 20 years at this point just stop. Stop, stop, stop. Stop crying about it. You can't just recapture lightning in a bottle like that. FLCL tried to do it, and failed. As much as I love the original run I simply cannot get behind the modern cashgrabs. At least FLCL was done somewhat competently. CB "Season 2" is gonna land like a hot turd in a cold drink. Don't believe me? Tell me anyone watched Berserk 2016/2017 that wasn't legitimately invested in the story. Tell me that with a straight face. No laughing. That's right, you can't do it because it's not possible. Just leave everything the way it is. Or. Here's a crazy idea. Make anything else. Fuck, reboot Pokemon and give it the modernized Berserk treatment. Just have the whole show look like Pokemon Stadium on N64 is shitting it's britches as hard as it can so newer, younger fans can reconnect with the original cardstock animation their poor brains just simply can't comprehend because it doesn't look like someone put Pokemon Snap in a blender and poured it on top the original dubs. Or just go ahead and redub it too. Whhhhhyyyyyyyy nnnnnnooooooottttttt?????? Anyway. Sorry, went off on a tangent there. We've already got Transformers and Pacific Rim. Now, if they can make something like Knights of Sidonia or that weird Godzilla anime crap but make it less shitty... Eh? I might go watch something like that. I did go and see Dragon Ball Super Broly in theaters. It's not impossible to get my ass into a movie theatre seat but you gotta know what you're doing. I think they'd be better off going with Code Geass. At least that IP isn't forty years old, has distinct main characters, doesn't entail centuries-long timelines (outside of a few crucial side plots) and would probably be a better bet all around if we're looking at this from a money making point of view... In my personal opinion.
*looks at your profile but then you check and realize I'm lying and then you don't know if angry cuz lying or hurt cuz coldshouldered* *leans back* Yeeeeehhhhhp. I know how to keep 'em on their toes. 10/10. Will read this post again. Recommending to friends and family for sure.
What? The laws of entropy are too cerebral to wrap that chedderhead of yours around?
Well what a thought provoking and spirited discussion we have had haven't we. I'll carry this sage wisdom across the sands of time until it is my turn to carry on the tradition of preserving and cherishing this profound dialogue we have shared by sharing it with a new generation.
The amount of things you say that are incorrect is staggering.
You realize tens if not hundreds of thousands of species have gone extinct on this Earth. Many due to climate change. Climate change before man started mainlining super climate change on crack right into the heart of climate change, You know what makes humans the most deserving of our eventual oblivion? The whiney ones like you that spend the only time you're ever gonna have (as far as you know) crying about it.
You know how a perpetual motion machine is a myth, right? If entropy didn't exist, it would be able to exist.
Oh cool I was hoping you'd pop in and patronize me.
Technically, yes. Entropy affects everything. From the glue and bits that stitch the tiniest fibers of our only baseline reality, all the way up to complex social structures and beyond. Why aren't the most qualified people for the job the ones doin them. Because the ones who are most qualified aren't interested, or aren't aware. That's a natural degredation of a system, a measurable decline in efficiency. It's a universal constant. Because the universe itself is a construct. It is itself a massive system. All systems degrade. It's a trade off. Infinite potential has to have some sort of governor within in it.
If you wanna throat nihilism day in and out by all means. All I suggest is you look into duality, entropic design and balance.
Oh no! If only the technology to take water from the ocean and treat it in a manner such as to make it potable existed!
Soil erosion taking place in a coastal, peninsular area?! 😮
Hey, lowered inhibitions are just a side effect of her legally prescribed anxiety medication. Quit will power shaming someone because they have a legitimate mental disorder.
Ooh. This should be a neat trick. Tell us again how man made global warming is directly responsible for record lows in several Midwestern provinces and how Florida is literally underwater right now.