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Everything posted by PowerKing

  1. Find someone in your town to throw a barn dance.
  2. Simba had two dads? He certainly has several male parental figures. Wouldn't call them all dad's, tho.
  3. Timon = Top What I meant to say.
  4. Timon is the brains, and Pumba is the muscle. Probably Pumba.
  5. Ask if she wants to go get coffee or something. Don't be overly pretentious, though. Like, don't try to arrange it on open bongo poetry mic night. Just show up, and if there's a soyboy playing a uke just roll with it. Even if you hate the performance, go over and thank and compliment them. Maybe even buy them a drink.
  6. He did beat Scar, but Simba also beat Scar. Not a reliable metric to go on. NGL tho... Prob put my $$$ on Mufasa too.
  7. My hair is starting to get a little longer ,shoulder-length just about. Whenever I shampoo and conditioner I end up pulling out several strands of hair; 10, 20, 30 at a time. Is this normal? What can I do to help prevent this?
  8. A fight between Mufasa and Simba both in their prime, who do you think would win a fight between them?
  9. PowerKing

    Uh oh

    lol can I have some of what youre smoking hahaha
  10. PowerKing

    Uh oh

    lol get that poverty food outta gere. lemme know when you got some beef ravvies breh
  11. PowerKing

    Uh oh

    haha okay whatever you sometimes I hit the wrong key on my phone cuz the screens sticky lol
  12. PowerKing

    Uh oh

  13. PowerKing

    Uh oh

    i have 76 profile vieews and the laspt person te visit my profile and it was a admin lol hope fully im not in truoble
  14. PowerKing


  15. lol Javier and Trent both like Sally and so Javier went over to Trent at luncg and grab his Capri Suns out of his hand and drink all it in front of him and he said "step off from Sally fuxknug!" on hahahaha lol lol anyway so Trebt and Javier said there gonna fight each other after school tomorrow haha my moneys on Trent tho Trent is like five inches tall than Javier haha
  16. lol him and tony got caught smoking a cigarette behind the library haha
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