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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Don't bet the ranch on it.
  2. The first word in "mother" is "moth".
  3. Didn't your precious science say that there is no safe level of creosote?
  4. Yeah... You're quite right... And so, pot and cigarettes are the same health risk.
  5. 1938 Packard


  6. 1938 Packard


    Here comes Mr. Hanky
  7. They just use the phrase in a lame attempt at making a dive seem classy. BTW, the song is one of those millions of songs about how a shitty ex bf is trying to take all the credit for a lady's success.
  8. Not anymore, seƱor.
  9. Was that Nancy Reagan's idea?
  10. Eating pot makes the high last longer and doesn't dispense creosote.
  11. Nothing inconsistent here.
  12. I can't answer the question unless I know what you're asking about.
  13. She didn't raise any jackasses or lazy asses.
  14. No greeting card for Mom. Boxes of imported tea instead.
  15. Apparel is easy to steal from a store. But, what was Dennis thinking when he tried to steal a four hundred pound amethyst crystal? Did he think he could just cram it into a backpack and run down the subway stairs? https://www.latimes.com/local/lanow/la-me-ln-dennis-rodman-allegedly-stole-clothing-crystal-20190511-story.html Yo, Dennis... Buy a pallet jack!
  16. When sufficient leverage is applied, you can hurl a piano a hundred feet into a pile of bricks.
  17. My limit has not been that low for fifteen years. I ditched my starter card eighteen years ago.
  18. I read my charges every day for each card in their customer portals. Never saw a charge I didn't initiate. If I do, I will end up making a lot of phone calls until it's made right.
  19. Pork shoulder
  20. It's what moved the Schiff Brothers from operating one small parking lot in this town to owning seventy percent of the non gaming real estate along the Boardwalk as well as several factories in China and Taiwan where their store merchandise is made. They beat out their best competition, Ed Devlin thirty years ago. Venture capitalism, anyone?
  21. No, it's where sloppy, inebriated tourists get fleeced by one shady vendor after another as they stroll the promenade.
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