Where it always is, in the attic.
It looks like there might be some rooms up there, so the posts would have to be short. It's also possible that the walls of those rooms are supporting the rafters.
Not after I had one supervisor fired for being a condescending prick.
Supervisors are required by the collective bargaining agreement to behave in a professional manner at all times.
Ditto for department heads and directors. I've seen quite a few of them fuck up and get fired.
I've been offered the supervisor's job and turned it down. No way I'm switching to a sixty hour week.
Here's another...
The department head answers to the directors and the directors answer to the vice presidents.
It goes all the way to the CEO.
So, nobody on this property really works unsupervised, according to your logic.
It doesn't work that way. We have so many people in this department that there has to be at least one supervisor directing the action. More like a traffic cop. When you see a traffic cop, is he supervising you per se?
It probably won't matter to him, but it sure does matter to me. If he turns out to be some half assed shitbag who gives incoherent or impractical orders, he could toss the whole department into disarray. It's happened before.