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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. What is this brand new position ?
  2. Are you seriously tossing that "white privilege" meme at me?
  3. Some people are very successful in the short term... and fail in the long term.
  4. Dog and bone. When you have something already in your hand and it's working for you, more often than not the bigger and better things you think you see are just illusions. A bird in the hand is better than two in the brush.
  5. Was anything from Aesop taught in your school or were the books discarded and burned as "racist"?
  6. No, not the singer. The new supervisor on my job. He just went through orientation, the complex tour and all that hoody hoo yesterday and then they dropped him in my department. First impression? The smile is real and unrehearsed. I can't judge his insight yet as far whether he would give coherent and feasible orders. He smokes. That's worth a score aleady. He gets along well with Rachel, the other supervisor. Another score. I guess he's going to work out.
  7. It all works out. I know I'm headed to where I can buy a house outside of this state (and lots more square footage) without doing any sort of work at all. Sound boring? Then, spice it up with some wood crafting classes or some international travel. With no bells to answer, life will be sweet.
  8. I've been fed that line of woof on several other jobs, including electroplater. It never materializes. They just use that as carrot and stick.
  9. That with no health benefits and the expense of maintaining a vehicle. Why would I chase twenty dollars an hour when I'm spending a third of it between health insurance and car insurance?
  10. If everything were based on looks, there would only be seven people on the whole planet eating avocados.
  11. I'm sure it would look different with dry, powdered garlic. But I'm not going for looks.
  12. Soft serve dark chocolate ice cream?
  13. It's minced garlic.
  14. I take it that you don't like mushrooms.
  15. Make no Miss Steak about it.
  16. You should sit on the cliffs in Santa Cruz and watch the surfers when you do that.
  17. I can still make a bong out of a cardboard tube and tin foil.
  18. Don't forget dessert.
  19. The time you spend commuting is nothing but unpaid work time.
  20. Crowd watching is more fun in July. Plenty to laugh at there. This town attracts all the weirdos.
  21. I hate commuting. Been there, done that... Not for me.
  22. Fake news is when TV stations report that the Boardwalk was totally swept away in the storm while the truth is that only a very small portion of it that had already been slated for replacement was damaged. Actually the storm was so brief and weak here that Baltimore Grille and Chelsea Pub remained open for business the whole time.
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