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1938 Packard

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Everything posted by 1938 Packard

  1. Then explain the well maintained motorcycles that barely make a whisper.
  2. What do you think happens in a casino trash can?
  3. When the engine is loud, the muffler is kaput.
  4. Put a piece of paper in one of these cans and then watch the half empty beer bottles get smashed and pulverized on top of it. Wrecked paper, no value.
  5. You need the correct number. After that, you need to actually say something on the machine.
  6. Smashing pumpkins?
  7. Put a piece of paper in one of these cans and then watch the half empty beer bottles get smashed and pulverized on top of it.
  8. It's wonderful to another walrus, perhaps. Let me guess... Candy for breakfast, pastries for lunch and lard for dinner.
  9. How is the trash can any different from a paper shredder?
  10. There was nothing to be had.
  11. She should go to Hogwarts and buy an invisibility cloak.
  12. So, when a guy happens to be yelling and making a scene, I'm eavesdropping? Anyway, the paper could not be recovered. There's no sense bothering to look for it. All paper in these cans gets destroyed, always.
  13. Carbon monoxide.
  14. Does the moon smell like iron?
  15. What makes you think I even saw the ticket?
  16. The question does not warrant an answer. Hint: Regardless of labeling, all hotel rooms are open season for smokers.
  17. The tickets get cancelled upon receipt. No value.
  18. The question was whether my nose works. The scent of bacon says it does.
  19. How would I cash it? Even if it's intact, there's a policy against employees cashing them.
  20. I alway know when the canteen has bacon.
  21. It doesn't warrant an answer from me. Most likely the same odor as carbon monoxide.
  22. Ask the folks who didn't notice.
  23. I had one ten minutes ago. Nobody noticed.
  24. So, you're out of answers already.
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