O.J Simpson was never arrested for anything and was a three term governor of Tennessee.
Mike Tyson was killed by his pet alligator.
Donald Trump is vice president under Pat Buchanan.
Rush Limbaugh... "Rush WHO!?"
There are no public schools in the U.S.
Always go union. Municipal, state or federal government. Casinos. State or city transit. Non union janitors are treated and paid like fast food employees.
I've had lower back issues for over fifteen years, but under management. Lately, they have been worsening and the chiropractor wouldn't be able to figure it out without the medical imaging. He's not psychic. If he reads this and decides it's out of his league, I trust him to send me to the right medical professionals.
My head wasn't in the device. It was in a different section where a loudspeaker gave instructions. The imaging part was focused on my hips and lower back.
I saw the pictures and I can't make heads or tails out of any of it. Better let the doc interpret it all for me. I see a cross section that resembles a slaughtered bull.
I'm not a gamer at all. The last video game I played was at Round Table Pizza in Palo Alto, California. "Elevator Action". I loved that game and never did find another that matched the excitement. People had to stand to play video games back then.
Yes. I've got old friends from high school, friends I've made at work over the years and some my neighbors here are in my circle. I also had a friend residing with me in this apartment for a long time because he lost his place in Hurricane Sandy. He lives in a senior complex now. The complex has a long waiting list.
21 with valid driver's license is best, regardless of the law. And then, you have to know them well enough to determine whether they would change their minds three weeks later and cry rape. The 1960's are over.
You mean in this forum, I assume. In person, I can't be the same person you see in this forum. Otherwise, I'd have no job, no money, no friends and possibly no place to reside. People who know me in person won't recognize me as my forum personality.
In an episode of the 1960's cartoon series, "Batfink", a mad scientist seized control of the world's water supply and charged everybody five cents per serving to drink water.
In 2017, so much of the world's water supply is polluted in some fashion by careless industries and so Pepsico is earning more money selling drinkable water than it does selling Pepsi.
What's missing here? An antrhopomorphic bat.
Then, I'm taking twenty three paid days off. I'm spending them on this apartment. Get the place repainted. Give it a port to starboard scrub up. It'll be much nicer when it's done. Too cluttered in here now.