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About Stonergoth187

  • Birthday 10/03/1990

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  1. Is this still a thing? or did I miss it?
  2. I encounter a lot of these from ppl too. I honestly thought of the oblongs with this one. But I've seen a lot of youtubers fail at the adult swim iceberg. but most of them talk about the bumpers being scary as a kid, and I'm like whaaaa?
  3. Welcome! Can you offer more of a description? How was the world "destroyed"? How was the vibe "creepy"? What did the painting of the girl look like? Was there a reason given why the world was destroyed, who the girl was, was there a conclusion? Can you describe the art style? Can you remember if it aired in the AM or PM time slots? (I'd assume it might have aired in the "death slot" -which is usually past 4am when [as] tends to air out it's balls because noone's watching lol). When you say "old cartoon" 2007-2010 isn't considered old for a lot of us around here lol.
  4. I'll throw my hat in
  5. in T2, the T-800 loses an arm while fighting the T-1000. At the end, the arm salvaged from the Terminator in T1 is thrown in the lava pit, but no one thinks to retrieve and destroy the other arm. Therefore, that arm is later found. someone follows Miles's work, and Skynet is created. There you go. There's the real sequel.
  6. They'd worry about cracks in their mask
  7. But there was no lease, no verbal agreement, he's shut my power off twice and we were intimate while I stayed here. I'm hurt, but I'll get through it.
  8. He just didn't want to wait for HUD to approve me being a live-in aide for my mother. I've got boxes in my closet of all non-necessities that I've packed but on the papers it says I refuse to leave.
  9. This is basically a case of litigation abuse. He's not only "evicting" me as a tenant but suing me for $1200. And my ex boyfriend has done this twice before I have all the paperwork to prove it. And paperwork showing that he's sued me for money with these evictions and then turned around and paid for the amount including court costs.
  10. Um. Honestly? It was the worst birthday I've ever had. I spent it calling lawyers because my ex boyfriend is evicting me as a tenant. My mom is disabled so we have a place lined up to move to where I'll be her live-in aide. However, my ex literally took me out to dinner one evening and then I had eviction papers served to me by the sherriff the next. I have court in a few hours, I'm going to ask for a continuance (which is a max of 5 days) and then I'm meeting with a lawyer.
  11. Thank you everyone
  12. I'm just trying to propagate my species, but he's being a baby about it.
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