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Everything posted by lily_cat

  1. I think I would have settled for the brownies. Well I hope you enjoy.
  2. Angelic_scars comes to mind. I just remember that whenever she went to far she would post a photo of herself and guys would tell her how nice her eyes were.
  3. Awwww... don't be sad, it's your birthday.
  4. Never be ashamed of who you are. Now go taste that rainbow!
  5. He eants a luxury apartment, so he'll get rejected. Plus, if he lives in a densely populated city that can also be a problem if he's looking to live in a really nice area.
  6. Most places do a credit check, so you may be screwed.
  7. Why didn't he want his picture on the boards? Were the cops looking for him or something?
  8. I wasn't watching. What happened?
  9. Ummmmm.... >.> <. < Hey, some of us made it work.
  10. Stupid phone doesn't let me type properly. Anyway, hello there. To me this place does feel familiar and it doesn't. I just pop in here when I'm bored or Tricolor is playing video games. So what brings you back into this particular circle of hell? >
  11. Yeah, sort of. I think we just all wanted a where that felt like the old place.
  12. I'd be curious to see what the environment would be like, but I don't think I'd be a regular.
  13. You definitely should not become a teaching assistant if you want be friends with the kids. And you should definitely not be talking about how attractive the girls are at the school. You are just asking to be arrested or fire for misconduct.
  14. Make sure you don't trip when you're running with it.
  15. lol... you would think that way. Well I'm not a guy, so you may be right.
  16. > You're silly. Man, I really hope you know what you are getting yourself into with that teaching assist job.
  17. Not necessarily, he may just rely on going to whores.
  18. Then keep looking. If you don't know how to deal with these type of kids then you won't last in that job.
  19. It doesn't matter. He has to start somewhere or he'll stay frustrated his entire life.
  20. It's feels like it's in the 70s tonight, but i think it's cooler than that. I guess i got used to the rain.
  21. Then just learn to talk to irl women.
  22. Ugh... I think you should keep looking. If you are seriously going to deal with kid that have behavioural issues then you are asking for trouble.
  23. Welcome to gentrification at its finest. Your area will soon have hipsters trying to move in.
  24. Do guys really care? I mean, she sort of looks like a young boy.
  25. I've been cheating on you guys with library blogs and forums. What I've realized is that I have to become crafty and realize that kids just show up for library events when there is food.
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