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Everything posted by lily_cat

  1. It is. Plus, I normally have to wake up at 6am, but my kitten thinks it's an even better idea to wake me up at 3am. So today is sleep day. -_'
  2. That's not a bad idea. I think all I did was sleep today.
  3. I used to do that! Awww.. such fun times.
  4. lily_cat


    You probably didn't tip the delivery guy.
  5. The Simpsons still has great moments, but then again I'm relying on memories of old episodes. Either way, I'm glad it's lasted so long.
  6. Don't remind me. I need to figure out what I'm going to plan for that month.
  7. I didn't know you had a store. You sell anything interesting?
  8. lily_cat


    That sounds messy. But you do you.
  9. Hey, good for you.
  10. For some reason I like yoke and rice.
  11. I prefer scrambled, but it really does depend on what I'm eating it with.
  12. > I don't get it. -_'
  13. What? I was just sitting here being a good girl. I wasn't posting anything obscene. >.>
  14. You mean I need to start over? Awww... I was hoping my reputation would carry over.
  15. Has it been that long? You must be so old by now.
  16. Lol...I understand. Ha! The good thing about starting over on these boards is that you don't have to deal with all the embarrassing things that we've all said in the past. And I've been busy too. Having two part-time jobs sucks, but at least I'm in a field that I like working in.
  17. Thank you fir talking me down from the edge. It did make me wonder if he is trolling us or if he really feels that way. But you are right, I need to not react. This just makes me miss the division that we had on the old boards between IB and Babbling.
  18. I guess you're right. >. < I work with teens and I guess some of the things that he says gets to me.
  19. I don't like that she preaches selfishness. It bothers me because as a society we do have to think of others and not just about our own needs. Anyeay, hallo hallo. How are you?
  20. If she is 17 then she is still considered underage. And if what everone is saying is correct and you have past you mid 20s then you aren't exactly a kid anymore. And just explain one thing to me. What exactly do you have in common with a teenager? Teens still tend to act like children and have very childish beliefs about what life is like.
  21. Ayn Rand is a plague upon humanity.
  22. It almost feels like you want to become a registered sex offender. Either way, you are not almost the same age as that girl and you need to start dating adults. Stop lusting over underage girls and find a job where you do have any contact with teenagers.
  23. I'm sure she's grew up and has moved beyond that. What about you? Do you remember ant board drama?
  24. That's why she would post her pic. That way guys would forget why they were angry at her. >
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