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Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

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Everything posted by Sir Teddybar Gut Fullung

  1. Fair enough. Also...even though I posted this in LB's thread about his new car, this totally applies to you in general. (So no, I don't consider it spam at all.)
  2. Nice car. Good luck, man. Hope it holds up for a long time. Also, this should've been posted earlier, but of course, I've gotta do it. STGF steppin' up to do the tough jobs.
  3. Dude, that's awesome! Too bad they didn't arrive before Halloween. You could've made it look like they had blood dripping from them. That would've been epic!
  4. I am so happy that you do. 😃
  5. Of course. But that day will come when you have regrets and bitterness. Until then, maybe you're not in a good environment for you.
  6. Thank you. You, too, dearie. ❤️
  7. It's okay. I remember when ABC showed an episode of the Drew Carey Show where Drew fell on his penis and "sprained" it. (I think they actually said he broke it.) I never thought that was possible. And on that note, I think it's time for me to go to bed.
  8. I guess she didn't remember how to drive a stick. I'll see myself out.
  9. Oh, trust me. Some of us walk funny after a good lovemaking session. (I can't say that I have, but you know what I mean.)
  10. In all seriousness, ouch, man. That really stinks.
  11. (God, forgive me.)
  12. You forgot a J.J. Watt-less Texans defense holding Jacksonville to three points.
  13. That's good to know. lol
  14. Funnily enough, I've been known to speak in different accents while out in public. It always throws people off when I suddenly switch back and forth from my natural accent to one that's put on. (I really don't need to do that, but I guess it's the high school thespian in me. lol)
  15. Luckily, I only invested three months of my life binging it so it really didn't bug me as much when it ended the way it did. I mean I got irritated, but a lot of diehard fans were infuriated!
  16. The first time I saw Aquaman doing Dany doggy style really set the tone that this show is, while different, just more of the same HBO stuff. Of course, when her dragons came onto the scene, my mind was blown. (Okay. Not really, but it made me invest more in the overall plot.)
  17. This. So much this. lol
  18. Bubble baths are fine. I just love the feel of rushing water on my skin.
  19. You're never an annoyance though. At least not to me.
  20. I'm apparently Darth Vader. lol
  21. I feel baptized twice over after taking one. I just...feel revitalized even though I need to go to bed soon.
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