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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. Gamer tag: lupinbebop PSN: lupin_bebop Battle.net battletag: lupinbebop#1971 Steam ID: lupin_bebop I think you get the idea from there.
  2. Yeah......I’m sure they all do, then again, puberty is the line for you, so....
  3. Or.......no hair balls on your damn bed or floor.
  4. It's been out for like a YEAR, dude. It's actually pretty damn fun. I even have swag bags for it. You have failed. -1
  5. I live in Texas. I've already done that today.
  6. Nice. I need to get me one. I should've thought about that.
  7. Okay then.
  8. I beg to differ on that one. I lived in a house with 2 dogs. Not a problem. Live with one cat right now? More destruction and chaos than 4 dogs, COMBINED.
  9. Chicken, if it's Ramen
  10. Are we entirely sure that isn't a cooked version of Fugg's pussy lips?
  11. Cats are bigger assholes.
  12. The FUCK am I looking at?
  13. Sorry, @SlappyKincaid, that doesn't apply in cases of stalking, restraining orders, and sexual harassment. Remember, this is Zeni.
  14. Those are only good for a couple of things now. You can reverse engineer a pretty good IR blaster with it. You can also reverse engineer a really good X-ray blaster, depending on model. You can also consider using it to boost a different device.
  15. If that were true, I'd have jumped at the opportunity to snark/muse/warn/inform you about it.
  16. I know. It's weird. It's like they needed an impartial, enforcing third party to make sure things go smoothly. It's like they are there to enforce a certain behavior outlined in a set of rules or something. I guess I'll never know, because I don't have a law degree or restraining order in my life to understand such things.
  17. YOUR posts to other people in this very thread.
  18. Yeah. This is why we need more women in STEM and tech, in general. So THIS kind of bullshit doesn't make front page news.
  19. I've seen the balloon face. I like to think I'm partially the inspiration behind the ballon face.
  20. On a serious note, looking at the posts, something sounds shady as fuck, man. I'll at least try and put the image up for people to look.
  21. Is it sad this THIS was also MY first thought?
  22. Pooping while reading and replying to this post.
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