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Everything posted by lupin_bebop

  1. It does. You're just shitty at taking video. You could've just said that, and I would've left you alone............you scrapple apple.
  2. Vertical video, punk monkey. I know you don't.
  3. This is actually probably the most accurate description.
  4. ....That doesn't work as an excuse for you.
  5. lupin_bebop


    Reported and banned for being a cuck.
  6. But.......even then.....vertical video?
  7. lupin_bebop


    Earning money, unlike you.
  8. Don't think so.
  9. I'm assuming it feels like a clockwork butt fuck.
  10. I recommend looking for a townhouse or actual house. It costs just as much as an apartment (or less, in most cases), and it’s all yours.
  11. Honestly, a drug test should be near the bottom of the “Phillies’s Shit To Do List”. you wanna know what should be at the top?
  12. Evidence that Fuggs is a hobag......I present Article 238.
  13. As long as you understand that it’s nothing personal.
  14. That shit right there? That’s what makes you less man. Literally, figuratively, and physically. you want to know what does? I can tell you.
  15. One of my favorites.
  16. Fuck if I know.
  17. That's what babies do when you look at them.
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