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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. i would have wanted to IF A CERTAIN PERSON WAS GOING TO BE THERE BUT THEY'RE NOT. so you'll just have to go instead
  2. it's a theme
  3. eh, not really
  4. well i could but i won't be allowed in
  5. i have to dress nice. bleeeeeeeeeh
  6. >needing assembly in $CURRENT_YEAR the ONLY reason he would need assembly is if he wanted to work on mainframe or to work on something super legacy. there is no absolutely no reason to learn assembly otherwise unless you reaaaaaaaaally want to know what a 15000 line C++ program would look like if it were 50000 lines. i still say learn python (or bash if you're me) first and then jump to C++ or java
  7. 0 because i don't have a MAL and i'm not a weeb
  8. UPDATE: friendzone 100% confirmed with no way out but it's ok i guess
  9. i blocked the OG bear fur rug and i can block this one too
  10. that's not much
  11. i'm pretty sure i've seen the doujin this comes from
  12. thankfully i missed that fad. didn't miss pokemon though, but i wish i did
  13. i meant the green haired chick
  14. i never saved any of those. idk if anyone else did
  15. well the other person barely has any r34 of them after doing a very limited search which is surprising considering 4chan's love for traps
  16. canon has never stopped a booru before
  17. and i'm sure there's rule 34 of that too. don't you worry
  18. next time on Mythbusters. myths aren't the only thing we're going to bust
  19. yep that's Grell
  21. i just looked that up and that character was voiced by the same guy who did Grell. fucking lol
  22. i'm disappointed. where are the boobies at
  23. yeah i can understand that. honestly i've had so many friends cycle through that it doesn't even really matter anymore
  24. i've become less of a friend to people because of it but i don't think i ever ended a friendship over it
  25. cats. if not then guys. i've never had to deal with drama with guy friends. most of them just don't have the energy to give a shit. but women, oh my god women. i don't think i've gone a week without hearing one female friend gossip about another friends
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